The science of altering humanity through women to create the perfect man and worker

Alan Watt: “Now before I go onto this next topic, which backs up what I talked about last week with the types of scanners they’re using for the brain now for the video games, this follows on from it. I have Jason in Pennsylvania on the line. Are you there, Jason? Hello Jason.

Jason: Yes, I’m here. I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work and I’m actually an artist trying to help the blanks of the Great Work for people visually and I was just curious if you had time for a quick off topic question.

Alan: It depends how far off the beat it is.

Jason: It has to do with actually the science of altering humanity through women to create the perfect man I guess, the perfect worker, which I believe is symbolized through the use of ‘Y’ with two dots over top of it [Y]

Alan: That’s within the range because I’ve talked on this before. You see they’ve had many, many meetings about creating new types of worker bees for a future society that would serve an elite, an intellectual elite, very well without all the problems. See we presently need to be entertained. We need to have money left to reward ourselves with and buy things from China every month like trained little animals and it’s using up what they claim is their resources, so they did target women and brought down the fertility rate actually through different means. One was simply by encouraging them to go out into the workforce (it doubled the tax base, too, of course), but also to have smaller families because they start wanting things. They want money to buy things and maybe they would shelve having children or postpone it indefinitely and buy the actual items themselves. That’s what Charles Galton Darwin talked about in his book ‘The Next Million Years’ and he was the grandson of Charles Darwin.

He said if we can entice them to get a better house or a better car or something like that or to own things and constantly buy, buy, buy, they won’t have children. They’ll give that up. He was right in that extent. That’s true in the Western world; the families tend to dwindle right down. Most of the population is rising simply because of massive immigration. That happened in Britain and was admitted to by Margaret Thatcher. They also went another road and that was to introduce various bisphenols from plastics into so much of the things that you drink from especially, and it mimics a female hormone and it can re-upset the hormonal balance as well. Then when you see how they’ve gone into the massive investigation into a birth control pill and all the effects that that had, the side effects and so on, this was even noticed by Carroll Quigley who noticed the changes in structure of the male and the female in a very rapid succession. That doesn’t happen in nature by chance. It happened very quickly. Women’s hips are becoming narrower and men’s shoulders are becoming very, very narrow, too, within one generation and this is all to do with the excess female hormones now. They’re actually synthetic too so they have side effects outside of the normal estrogens et cetera. Those side effects are also reengineering us; and who knows what the food does to back this up? Now they knew about the plastics and what plastics give off. They even encouraged – they made a whole fad out of drinking out of plastic bottles. That’s not by chance because they knew in the 1930’s exactly what it did to the human body.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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