The reason why the European Central Bank will not comment on charges brought against Edward Scicluna

In a short and sweet article with short and sweet wording, the Malta Independent informed you that the European Central Bank will not comment on charges brought against former finance minister Edward Scicluna, current Governor of Malta’s Central Bank, following questions asked.

This media wrote that it had sent questions to the European Central Bank addressing President Christine Lagarde in light of criminal charges of fraud and misappropriation against Edward Scicluna.

Let us remind ourselves that Edward Scicluna did not retire after serving as the government’s Finance Minister but went on to accept his appointment as Governor of the Central Bank, lest he loses the opportunity to have another super salary, after he had a salary as a minister, so that later he can enjoy two pensions.

Being the Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, “he has a seat on the Governing Council of the European Central Bank.” One must surely love envisioning all those bankers coming together and joining forces to execute the agendas of the banking elite and ruling family, the Rothschild, in a council pertaining to the European Central Bank, which is “the main decision-making body of the ECB, consisting of the six members of the Executive Board, plus the governors of the national central banks of the euro area countries.”

The Malta Independent goes on to tell you that it “asked the President of the ECB if she believed that Scicluna’s position is still tenable in light of the charges brought against him,” “whether it has the power to force a change,” “if it will be putting pressure on the Maltese government to appoint another person,” and to give her “overall thoughts on the situation.”

This newsroom concluded that “the spokesperson for the ECB said that it does not comment on pending legal proceedings.”

Of course! What the Malta Independent fails to tell you is that President Christine Lagarde is corrupt herself, and this will be tackled in another piece!

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