The creation of a world where all data will be given to governmental authority coupled with the human genome project in which they are classing people

They’re creating a world where all your data, every part of every bit of information, the bits and bites that are you, will be made accessible by all those given governmental authority. That’s everything that you purchase, belong to, buy, sell, how much you earn, how much you spend, including the items that you do buy even in the supermarket, what your particular tastes are and all the rest of it. Your health records will all be in there and you can bet your bottom dollar it’s coupled with the human genome project because they’re classing the people. They’re putting them into classes of special people, bright people, a bit duller people, non-productive people, or people who just won’t compete to get to the top. It’s all categorization because the system that’s coming in will eventually eliminate those who are deemed replaceable in excess. That’s the whole plan.

I keep going back to the 1930’s when a lot of this plan was put out there in the open by very big players, members of the high aristocracy of Europe. You don’t see so much of that today where they come out themselves and write books about what they want to happen in the world, but back then a whole bunch of them came out including Aldous Huxley. Now remember, Aldous Huxley and you can find a speech that he gave at Berkeley on my site. You can download it in the article section in the audio section and you download that and listen to this man talk. He’ll even make you laugh because the way he speaks can almost lull you into a dreamlike state. It isn’t until you listen to what he’s actually saying. He’s talking about a world totalitarian state in the nicest possible manner. He tells you why it would come in and how the public would accept it. Quite casually he tells you this and even cracks a few jokes along the way. He was talking to the people who would go into governmental positions and high bureaucratic positions and therefore he could afford to be more open.

He mentioned the various scientific dictatorship theories that he and others had talked about and put forward in debates in think tanks. He was trained for his position as a novelist and also as a non-fiction writer and also to push ideas called predictive programming that would get the people to work willingly towards this particular goal and he said remember that most people are really unhappy. He said what’s wrong, what’s wrong with controlling their minds? What’s wrong with giving them drugs or using electrical stimulation of their brain to induce an altered state to make them happy? They could be completely ignorant, in other words, of what they were even working at, as long as you were living a fantasy world in this scientific type of dictatorship, then what was wrong with stealing your consciousness? That’s what he was really saying, there’s nothing wrong with it, and he was talking about doing this to a whole world of people.

The reason he was talking about it was because he knew it was going to happen. The technology that we’re seeing introduced today, right down to microchips, had already been discussed long before Huxley gave his speech in the 1960’s, long before he’d even written his book ‘Brave New World’ in 1933. In ‘Brave New World,’ he gives us a scenario where people will be purposely bred. Purposely bred for the tasks that they had to do to manage or to help manage the world state. How genes would be replaced, inferior and superior types replaced, and how you would be bred for your station in life. You couldn’t rise above your station. You’d be very content and you’d live on drugs and various kinds of foods they’ve feed you to keep you very adequate for your position, but no better or duller. He talked about that being the great way too to keep down the population. The population has always been a big topic with Huxley and many others. You should read the statements of his brother who was the top man at UNESCO. The United Nations Educational Group where their job is actually to bring in a world standardized education so that everyone will think everything is normal, no matter how bizarre it is. They’ll think that the world they’re born into could never have traveled any other path than the one it’s on. That’s how simple it is to give you a reality.

Huxley himself wrote a follow-up to ‘Brave New World’ called ‘Brave New World Revisited.’ He gave lectures around the world at some of the supposed better universities, the ones as I say where those from aristocratic families attend and learn their roles in life to help bring all this about. He said the scientific dictatorship, once it’s installed and prepared the minds of the public and trained the public into it, once it’s installed completely could last forever. It would last forever you see because you would not be able to think your way out of it. It would be impossible to be an individual and think your way out of it. I’ll be back with more after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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