The Burlesque show of Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party

We are truly witnessing ‘unique’ MEP candidates’ campaign activities which beckon a study by psychologists rather than an analysis of cause and effect. I prefer to call them burlesque activities which feel like more of a general election which won’t benefit anyone irrespective of credo, political leanings and beliefs.

A growing part of the population was growing cold towards this two-pathetic party system, while hopefully the nation was witnessing a shift towards nationalism with this same cohort not identifying themselves anymore with this system which has held Malta backwards to the cavemen era I must say. Malta is not a normal country; rather, it is an odd island home to a strange population of individuals who are either utterly insane, extremely naive, profoundly foolish, utterly malevolent, or a mix of all of those traits. It’s obvious that a horrible combination of societal difficulties and heredity exists. The point is, there is a huge number of people in Malta who are completely abnormal but are considered normal, and hence why I keep on finding my country a strange one to live in and adapt to and in, for many years now.

In my opinion, we have sunk to the depths of incompetence, stupidity, abnormality, somnambulism, political fanaticism, power abuse, influence trading, narcissism, pomposity, arrogance, misogyny, cronyism, and corruption. And suddenly and unexpectedly, we got this VGH inquiry which is being used for manipulation purposes. The timing was perfect.

The Labour Party’s henchmen understood that there is a mounting anger and openly expressed contempt and disgust at all the corruption scandals which have been emerging over these past years of Labour governance. Add to this cohort another one which is using its non-vote as a response to the pseudo-pandemic while another cohort has woken up to the fact that the government has fooled them and lied to them about the Covid-19 vaccines. Add to all these another cohort which have understood that both parties are one and the same and you have a nation which is rising.

And all Abela can say in his speeches is reminding us how his government is bribing us with those annual cheques which coincidentally are put on our doorstep a few weeks before an election. Considering all the deductions and taxes that the middle class’s salary suffers from monthly, a middle class which is on its way out, these cheques are just a mere joke on the humour side and illegal and immoral on the serious side. To these electoral bribes, we can also add housing properties and government jobs so to make sure that corruption at the lowest levels will also tolerate corruption at the highest levels.

And here comes Dr Muscat making several appearances on the campaign trail without announcing them, except two. He took it to social media to announce that “he will be addressing the crowd at Agius Saliba and Azzopardi Flores’ events.” He made an appearance at the Labour Party Club in Ħaż-Żabbar for that of Flores, an old friend of Muscat and his wife on 21st May and that of Agius Saliba at the Orpheum Theatre in Gżira on the 22nd.

What a freak, burlesque show in this country which is truly sick with this two-party system political puppet show where the masses identify themselves with this system.

And Muscat, is doing the rounds with his standard cocky attitude and smug arrogance while appearing on TV shows and radio stations, which are the friendly ones who can be stage-managed because they are his propaganda and sympathetic mouthpiece. I am talking about F-Living and the programme of Muscat’s propaganda mouthpiece Emanuel Cuschieri.

How right was Daphne when she wrote the following about Dr. Muscat:

Quite frankly, I think he’s at a loss as to how to cope in the face of the general opprobrium. For the whole nine years since he became party leader, Muscat has been celebrated on a cloud of glory. All his public communications, his style, everything, have been perfected in the context of real and anticipated admiration;” and that he “has been accustomed from birth to being the centre of attention for adults in whose eyes he could do no wrong, and who admired his every move and word, reached his 40s in a similar situation, always placing himself in contexts where he would shine, largely because there was no competition – for example, politics in the Labour Party, and journalism at Maltastar and Super One.”

And now, for the umpteenth time, the government under his helm is going through another political scandal. He said he will shoulder any responsibility. He made a U-turn and wants us to pity him because nothing that happened under his helm was his fault. He wants the Maltese nation to keep on admiring him, swarming around him and seeing him as God’s gift to maltakind. I remind Muscat that he was the one with executive power.

Daphne also noted: “Muscat cannot deal, either psychologically or in practical terms, with the anger of the public” and so he goes on a self-promotion exercise. I do not care at this stage on who is to blame, on who will make it out clean out of this inquiry or not. This is not the point. The point is that the Maltese nation trusted Muscat’s government and while the honest citizen broke his back to go to work, we had the closest aide of Muscat, an unelected representative of the people and other sleazy and corrupt criminals in suit cuckolding this same honest citizen with their corrupt, backdoor deals while defrauding the authorities.

I remind Muscat that his chief of staff, whom he elected, was a key public figure and power-broker. It was Muscat himself who had admitted in public that Schembri was the strategist behind his electoral victory of 2013 and responsible for brokering many of the government projects. How Muscat failed to see that Schembri abused his government position and wielded a network of potentially illicit contacts beyond Malta, abusing the amount of power that Muscat himself gave him, is beyond me. Muscat failed to exercise scrutiny alongside the executive power which the nation gave him when it elected him.

But Muscat keeps on presenting himself to the nation as its heaven-sent gift, when, the best he could do, was fire Schembri and Mizzi alongside others.

Yet the masses fail to see through Muscat and prefer to allow themselves to be manipulated by such situations because they still have the slave mentality that they need a ruler to save them.

Either way these MEP elections go, and this VGH inquiry goes, I will remain gob-smacked because I cannot take all this burlesque show anymore.

We must see things for what they are: people living and operating outside Malta see us for what we really are: properly scandalous and equally scandalous for tolerating it. We deserve better than this corrupt, narcissistic, manipulative, offensive, burlesque, political rubbish.

Carry on this way, masses, while you bleed Malta to death, while your memory is being erased with talks of how well the economy was doing under Muscat, which you believe, but which is yet another lie told in this corrupt, narcissistic, manipulative, offensive, burlesque, political rubbish.

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