The British government, in a circumspect way, confirms weather modification and chemtrails

On its website, the British government published a section titled ‘Guidance Aircraft contrails’.

Through it, the British government goes through contrails and starts by asking ‘Why do contrails seem to form grid like patterns in the sky?’ and ‘Why do some contrails disappear almost instantly whilst other are long lasting?’ In other words, the contrails are those who ‘disappear almost instantly’ while those which ‘form grid like patterns in the sky’ and ‘are long lasting’ are chemtrails, dear readers. Contrails do not form grid like patterns. Hold your breath, dear readers. In a circumspect way, the British government is admitting to you the existence of chemtrails.

Further down it goes on to ask ‘Why do some aircraft leave contrails and others don’t, even when they seem to be flying at the same height?’ The answer simply is because some are aircrafts specifically used to spray the skies, while others aren’t. Here comes another big statement that the British government makes: ‘A number of aircraft seen leaving contrails do not appear on any web tracking services’. Of course! The answer is that they are chemtrail planes. They are not carrying passengers. But I am sure that if the government had to use a flight tracker to identify the planes, it would have the names, and hopefully, we can play the name and shame game. What about Ryan Air, Jet 2 and USAF as a start?

Now here comes the big bang. Under the subheading ‘Effects on climate and health’, the British government asks ‘According to some reports ‘chemtrails’ contain barium or compounds of aluminium and silicon (often called aluminiosilicates)?’ And obviously, the government is not going to give you any proof that it knows about the spraying of the British skies so it just gives you this answer:

“We have no credible evidence of the release of chemtrails. Aluminosilicates are common in clay soils and a wide range of other minerals, therefore measurements in air and soils are dominated by the ground level sources of aluminosilicates”. Hold your breath, dear readers. In a circumspect way, the British government is telling you that chemtrails exist.

Here is the second big bang. The British government asks if there are ‘any ill health effects caused by contrails?’ for which the answer is that contrails ‘can cause respiratory problems once dispersed.’ Really? So, they might as well cancel their flights and sell their private jets. Hold your breath, dear readers. In a nutshell, the British government is telling you that chemtrails are causing respiratory problems. Weren’t respiratory problems, one of the issues that we were told the coronavirus causes?

Here is the third big bang. The British government then shifts focus on the climate and asks ‘Do contrails impact on climate change?’ The answer it gives is:

“Persistent contrail cirrus, formed by aircraft, can affect the reflection of solar radiation and therefore have an impact on the Earth’s climate.The contribution of global aviation to anthropogenic climate forcing for 2000 to 2018 suggests that the present climate impact of contrail cirrus is larger than that from historical emissions of greenhouse gases emitted by aircraft.” Hold your breath, dear readers. In a circumspect way, the British government is telling you that the climate change is a hoax and it is the chemtrails which are affecting the weather while they are trying to block the sun.

Here comes the fourth big bang. The British government mentions ‘geo-engineering’ whose aim, it says, is ‘to counteract human-caused climate change by deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s natural system and one of the ways it mentions is ‘solar radiation management (SRM) including injection of aerosols into the stratosphere’. Hold your breath, dear readers. In a circumspect way, the British government is admitting that governments are deliberately causing climate change, so yes, it is government-caused climate change, so to make humanity believe that it’s its fault and that it is the government who is truly blocking the sun and its rays by injecting nasty stuff in the stratosphere. However, and here comes a bigger big bang, the British government says that ‘we do not use SRM or have plans to do so.’ Really? Why does this seem to be a troubling term for the UK government which is making it do everything it can to avoid discussion about it?

And here comes the fifth and last big bang. As a last point, the British government mentions ‘Weather modification’, stating ‘We are aware that other countries have used weather modification techniques, completed by aircraft, known as cloud seeding with the usual intent to increase rain or snow.

We do not use cloud seeding or have plans to do so.’ Really? Why does this seem to be a troubling term for the UK government which is making it do everything it can to avoid discussion about it?

Hold your breath, dear readers. In a circumspect way, the British government is telling you that aircrafts hover over our skies in order to modify the weather, and not only to increase the rain or snow, but to increase the wind, to increase the heat, to increase the floods, and to basically cause havoc in the weather, while harming farming. In a circumspect way, the British government has told its people about the crimes that are being committed in the British skies, with its blessing.

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