The Banda della Magliana – the most powerful criminal organization in the 70s in Rome whose boss was a church benefactor (part seven)

The night of September 13, 1980, the group experienced a dramatic setback. A guy riding a motorcycle shot their charismatic leader Giuseppucci in the side as he was leaving a meeting in Piazza San Cosimato. Even though Giuseppucci had serious injuries, he was nevertheless able to start his automobile and go to Regina Margherita Hospital before passing away in the physicians’ arms. Not just the criminal underworld he had lived in and drastically transformed, but the entire city was rocked by his death. He was now known as “The Eighth King of Rome,” and he had become a mythical character in the city. Ironically, his assassination fulfilled his dream of uniting the batteria, as they were now united in their pursuit of finding his killers and exacting revenge for his killing.

It transpired that the two Proietti family members, known as the Pesciarelli because they had operated a fish market business in the capital for generations, were responsible for his death. During the day, they worked lawfully, but in the evening, they frequented illegal gambling establishments and races, among other illegal activities. Fernando Proietti, also known as Palle d’Oro, was the murderer, and Mario, his brother, operated the motorcycle. The Proietti gang, who collaborated with Franco Nicolini, sought retribution on the Magliana gang following the passing of their boss. The two intended to finish the job by traveling to Tor di Valle and assassinating Giuseppucci’s buddy Mimmo Zumpano at the racetrack. Although Zumpano was not located, they were taken into custody by two plainclothes officers.

Giuseppucci was also pursued by the Proietti family because he owed one member thirty million lire in arrears, which he had been ignoring for some time. Giuseppucci’s associates quickly ascertained who was responsible for his death, and a search for the perpetrators was launched. His passing set off Rome’s first significant gang war, which claimed many lives and led to the Proietti clan’s annihilation.

Enrico Cane Proietti was the first of the Proietti clan to be targeted. After Mancini, Colafigli, and Abbatino located him, he was shot in the liver on October 27, 1980, in Ostia, but he lived. On March 16, 1981, the Banda della Magliana carried out their retaliation. Mario and Maurizio Proietti were caught by Colafigli and Mancini in the Monteverde district at via di Donna Olimpia 152.

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