The 13 Ruling Families—the Rockefellers—and the four selected grants in 1984 of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund

“Council on Foundations – $41,000 (this money was according to R.B. Fund info ‘Toward work of project which will carry out recommendations from study that points out lack of knowledge about global interdependence and about the relationship between international and domestic issues. Emphasis will be placed on information and educational programs to help funders become more familiar with and learn how to analyze opportunities for international grant making’.

Harlem Interfaith Counselling Service – $100,000.

Private Agencies Collaborating Together – $25,000 (‘encourages collaboration among private development agencies working in Africa, Asia and Latin America..’)

Trilateral Commission – $240,000″

This is the link of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund:

And in their website front page, you can understand more the agendas from the placards:

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