The 13 Ruling Families—the Rockefeller & their subtle and not-so-subtle influence

“In the book The Unholy Alliance, details are given on how the seminaries, church boards and Christian colleges have been captured. Much of the money for this came from the Rockefellers. One of the principle large Foundations that was instrumental in controlling religious institutions of various kinds was the Sealantic Fund. (They have now shifted to other channels.) This Foundation which was incorporated in 1938 and was headquartered in New York City (50 West 50th St.) gave enormous sums of money to manipulate Protestant concerns. In 1964, according to the Russell Sage Foundation’s book The Foundation Directory, the Sealantic Fund gave away $681,886 in grants.

In 1969, the Fund gave $1,889,550 in grants.

By 1984, the Sealantic Fund was not being used. But a look at another Rockefeller non-profit untaxed Foundation, the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund shows a revealing grant pattern. Many people would not be able to make any sense out of what seems a random pattern of grants without the broad picture of what the Illuminati is doing today. My book Be Wise as Serpents should have clarified how those various groups who receive grants are related and helpful to the Rockefeller agenda. Although these other Rockefeller Foundations are not specifically geared toward religion such as the Sealantic Fund was, it is clear these other Foundations still impact religion.”

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