Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is tagging along the Green Deal and the carbon neutrality agenda

Due to the popularity of Putin’s speeches, many bet that Putin was and is not aligned with the World Economic Forum and the New World Order. Many also see him as a hero and the one who will save the world. No politician and political party will, because all are just puppets of the same puppet masters.

In fact, while he was notorious for years for his skepticism about man-made global warming, he then changed tune.

Back in 2021, The Moscow Times reported that he has now embraced the green deal that is being promoted around the world which is definitely not ‘for the people.’ At an energy forum in Moscow he stated that “Russia in practice will strive for carbon neutrality of its economy” and the benchmark set is that of no later than 2060.

“Speaking about the world’s future energy market, Putin added: “The role of oil and coal will decrease.”    

“The carbon neutrality pledge follows an earlier ambitious step in June, when Putin ordered his government to develop a plan to cut carbon emissions to below the level of the European Union by 2050. 

He said that ‘The planet needs informed, responsible actions by all market participants — both producers and consumers — focused on the long-term, in the interests of the sustainable development of all our countries,’ adding that ‘Russia is ready for such constructive and close cooperation.'”

In that same year, The daily Kommersant newspaper reported “that the Russian government was preparing a new environmental strategy with stronger measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

‘The new targets represent a significant departure from Russia’s existing plans, which would have seen emissions increase through 2050 and not drop to net-zero until as late as 80 years from now,’ said Katie Ross, an expert at the World Resources Institute. 

Russia is one of the world’s main polluters, she said, and the country’s ‘new long-term plan is consequential for the world’s efforts to rapidly cut emissions and avoid the worst consequences of climate change.’

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said it was impossible to ‘artificially get rid of traditional sources of energy.’

Russia is currently the fourth-highest emitter of carbon, and critics say the county is doing far from enough to tackle the crisis.

According to many scientists, Russia — especially its Siberian and Arctic regions — is among the countries most exposed to climate change.”

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