Russell Brand is now faking himself as a Christian while practising witchcraft, occult and divination (part two)

Russell Brand holds universalism and syncretism beliefs, which hold that other spiritualities and religions are just different paths that lead to the same place. In addition, one might take up the greatest techniques from each to advance their spiritual development. He gained notoriety a few years back when he got a tattoo of Jesus on his arm. He provided an explanation for why he chose to get a cross tattooed in a video on his YouTube channel.

He clarifies that it wasn’t because of a belief in the historical Jesus, but rather because he also had tattoos on other areas of his body of Hindu Sanskrit, the masonic number Krishna, and the elephant god Ganesha. This is pretty much New Age because in New Age, like in Masonic lodges, and in a multicultural society, people of different religions and beliefs gather. You might see this as a good thing, but it is quite deceitful. As a side note, I would like to add that I also have tattoos of different religions including the occultic ‘star of David’ so I very muck know what I am talking about because I know where I come from.

He clarifies that it was not because of a belief in the biblical Jesus but rather because he also had tattoos on other regions of his body of Hindu Sanskrit, the masonic number Krishna, and the Hindu elephant god Ganesha. Without accepting the biblical account of Jesus Christ’s identity or the necessity of responding to the Gospel message with faith and repentance, he nevertheless valued the moral lessons and ideals found in the life of the Jesus. He was quite explicit at the time that, while he thought the message was fine, it didn’t really speak to him.

The biblical Gospel was not mentioned in any of his most recent social media announcements regarding baptism and its impact on him. He made no reference to sin, turning from one’s sins, or Jesus Christ’s exclusivity. He didn’t give up his previous incorrect spiritual beliefs or behaviors. Rather, he mentions tarot cards, thoughts and concepts from Buddhism and Hinduism, as well as terms related to New Age spirituality. Brand has said that Jesus is a path to God, or what he dubbed the “universal consciousness,” in a number of previous videos. He has previously said that he was more interested in non-Christian spirituality than in Christianity. It appears that he is now more interested in Christianity.

The issue is that a genuine conversion or salvation from sin is not the result of mere interest in Christianity. It is insufficient to merely be interested in Christian principles or goals; many Muslims, Hindus, atheists, and other non-religious people find some Christian concepts to be intriguing, and some even see them as beneficial and useful. However, contrary to what New Age ideologies claim, Christianity is not a path to enlightenment or self-actualization. At the absolute least, one must hold to the following beliefs in order to identify as a Christian: repentance from sin, complete confidence and faith in Jesus Christ, the exclusivity of Christ and His unique divinity, the sinfulness of man, and the necessity of salvation via the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

According to the New Testament, these are requirements for being “born again.” Sadly, it appears like Brand is unaware of the significance of this for being a Christian and a disciple of Jesus. It sounds like he is embracing some new beliefs that suit him for this stage of his life when you watch his most recent videos. This is a common component of New Age spirituality. It feels like a “cafeteria.”

Contrarily, Christianity asserts that there are two types of truth: falsity and truth. It asserts that all spirituality that does not originate from the Bible and does not rely only on faith in Jesus Christ is deceptive and has a satanic root.

Contrarily, Christianity asserts that there are two types of truth: falsity and truth. It asserts that all spirituality that does not originate from the Bible and does not rely only on faith in Jesus Christ is deceptive and has a satanic root. Divination, witchcraft, and the occult are all practiced with tarot cards. God made it abundantly evident in the Old Testament how dangerous engagement in the occult could be.

The fact that Russell Brand is openly talking tarot cards and saying Christians can use them to gain some sort of revelation or insight is really problematic. The biggest transgression against God’s people, as recorded in both the Old and New Testaments, was mixing. Israel used to worship both Asherahs and Baals in addition to Yahweh. Scripture is filled with examples of this grave problem—from the worship of the golden calf to the rebukes sent to some of the churches in the book of Revelation for caving in and allowing heathen practices to proliferate. God will not allow genuine worship to coexist with the worship of false gods or the adoption of paganism. He prohibits it. He detests idolatry.

However, it is evident from the Prophets that He detests idolatry much more than paganism alone—that is, the combination of idolatry and authentic worship. The Bible emphasizes the need of maintaining the purity of worship and spiritual practices. God never wavers from his standards or makes exceptions.

Nobody holds new Christians to a standard of perfection. But being baptized is only one step in the process of becoming a Christian. When someone is delivered from grave spiritual error and deceit by the Lord, He will not permit them to spread that deception to millions of followers by pretending that they are Christians while engaging in practices that the Bible describes as witchcraft.

Be careful of these New Age Keepers and anyone who comes forth as meaning well but who is deceiving you by promoting something else. Unfortunately, during these times “there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:24).

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