Rallies in Geneva and New York next month before the WHO’s recommendations are voted on

There will be rallies in Geneva and New York next month before the WHO’s recommendations are voted on. The event is scheduled to take place in New York on May 25 at 12 PM in front of the UN Headquarters located on E. 47th Street. The Geneva Project is in charge of organizing the rally in Geneva. This global unity movement began with the Geneva Project.

I think and feel that it is time that we, the People of the World, stand up and stand tall while saying out loudly that we do not put up with being governed by international authorities, organizations, foundations, industries, and the puppeteers who are not elected.

The moment has arrived for us to release ourselves from our bonds and start building a society that is centered around the needs of its citizens. It is time that we reawaken to who we truly are, regain our inherent strength and humanity.

It is now or never.

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