Proof that confirms the Degiorgio brothers’ statement: why the police took no action when sensitive information was passed on to them to protect the mastermind behind Daphne’s murder

The Degiorgio brothers’ press release is direct information, which they, having being used and manipulated by the psychopaths at the top, know. It is not hearsay.

They wrote how they were used by different people, including high-ranking officers within the police corps.

They wrote that the police took no action when they passed on sensitive information to them.

They wrote that they were “condemned and completely manipulated by prominent people such as ministers, the Commissioner of Police and high officials in power at the time.”

They wrote that they passed on sensitive information to inspector Keith Arnaud which they expected would be passed on to the Commissioner of Police. Keith Arnaud is a close friend of Keith Schembri and Matthew Caruana Galizia’s hero. Even his father Peter Caruana Galizia praised Arnaud. Why would they both praise a close friend of Keith Schembri? They have not yet told us who is/are the crook/s they are protecting and who is/are the crook/s protecting them. Can we deduce that Arnaud is protecting them and Keith Schembri while the Galizias are praising Arnaud so to protect Keith Schembri who in turn is protecting the Caruana Galizia/s?

The Degiorgios wrote that they had spoken to senior Inspector Joseph Mercieca who they know passed on the information to his superiors. “Nevertheless, no action was taken,” they wrote.

How do we confirm that this is truth when it comes to the police and the way they are not doing their job properly? Here is another of Daphne’s article, published on 7th July 2017, titled “The police go after the small fry while protecting the gangland sharks at the Auberge de Castille:”

“A 60-year-old clerk at Identity Malta’s passports office has has been arrested and indicted on charges of taking money in the course of his work.

The police told the press that they don’t know how much he took, but it ‘could be more than €20,000’. Gosh, as much as that?

Meanwhile, I hasten to remind you that these are the very same police who sat on, concealed and ignored the results of an investigation by Malta’s official anti-money-laundering state investigators, the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit, which told them that Keith Schembri, the prime minister’s chief of staff, had taken a sizeable cut from Brian Tonna, the corrupt accountant who helps the gangland sharks at the Auberge de Castille to launder money through a complicated arrangement of (no longer) secret offshore companies, on the sale of Maltese citizenship to Russians.

The transactions were made through Pilatus Bank, the washing-machine set up by an Iranian in his 30s, who travels on a St Kitts & Nevis passport, with Iranian money via Hong Kong and licensed by Muscat’s government.

That Identity Malta clerk probably thought that if the bosses were doing it, then he could too. What he didn’t count on is that the bosses now need some examples to show how serious they are and how they are clamping down on abuse – but only selectively and certainly not on themselves.

It’s a shame that ‘nobody’ clerk wasn’t Neville Gafa, who lives in Konrad Mizzi’s and Keith Schembri’s trouser-pocket, and who was neither arrested nor arraigned despite serious allegations about how he took money to process visas for Libyans for hospital treatment. And it’s a shame, too, that he isn’t the Prime Minister’s cousin, Robert Falzon, who issued EU Schengen visas to 7,000 Algerians in just a few months when he was Malta’s consul in Algiers, with the Prime Minister posturing about ‘abuse’ only after the scandal broke internationally.

So if you’re a small fish in Malta, then watch out, sucker. If you’re a Kentucky Fried Chicken employee caught with his hand in the till, they’ll jail you for four years for money-laundering and confiscate your house. If you’re a government clerk who takes €20,000 from their fishy passport fund, you’re crucified by the police and all over the media.

But if you’re the Prime Minister’s chief of staff who the state’s own anti-money-laundering investigators have said is involved in laundering millions of euros, then you get to walk up Merchants Street past the cheering crowds behind barriers, to your office at the Auberge de Castille, two days after the country has voted you back into power again and safe in the knowledge that the police won’t touch you […]”

This wasn’t done so that the Nationalists are not put back into power. Daphne was wrong in this interpretation in her concluding note, because Schembri is internally protected through pacts made by various high-profile officials in all corrupt, local institutions, from the court to the police and army force, FIAU and the rest of the crooks and cronies. And among those, we find the nationalists!

This not only proves that we have a desensitized police who have been turned against the general public whom they view with suspicion , but we have the police who have been protecting Schembri [and others] all along, hanging the petty thieves while keeping the big ones in public office roaming around us, endangering us.

I have had enough of this charade with our stinking-corrupt institutions which are not functioning at all but are immersed in filthy corruption, murder and high-profile crimes themselves! I want to witness the Degiorgio brothers taking the upper hand in court, which hopefully will see to bring justice “that has to be made with he who is truly responsible of these crimes,” the true criminal who ordered Daphne’s murder, on whom they wish to testify.

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