Proof that confirms the Degiorgio brothers’ statement: how former Police Commissioner Lawrence Cutajar covered up for Keith Schembri

The Degiorgio brothers’ press release is known to all. In it, we see the cobweb of how high-profile criminals who were part of the Labour Party and the Labour Government who are protected by other high-profile officials [Nationalists and non] while they ran a high-profile criminal syndicate in Malta.

The Degiorgio brothers also mentioned high-ranking officers within the police corps who make internal pacts with these high-profile criminals in the political arena to protect each other.

The Degiorgios also claimed that even though they passed on sensitive information to the police concerning A NUMBER of cases “the police took no action perhaps on instructions of certain important people. Worse still we believe that in certain cases the justice system is being used to side-track the truth and certain individuals are being accused who as far as we know played no part in these crimes.”

Another important and relevant part of their press release for this piece is:

We declare, as we already told the investigative officers about this case, that those involved were prominent individuals in politics in high positions holding ministerial jobs. In Daphne Caruana Galizia’s, there was also a former Commissioner of Police involved as well as police officers in high posts and to this one must add also the involvement of lawyers and persons of trust. We can testify to the involvement of several people amongst whom are former minister Chris Cardona and Keith Schembri. We can testify to the involvement of former Commissioner of Police Lawrence Cutajar and the Secret Services. Something that has never been mentioned before is that prior to the 2017 elections, the Secret Services were tailing Daphne Caruana Galizia and reporting on her movements. They had been instructed not to go by her residence. This we can confirm.

And here is another proof that what they are stating is true, found in Daphne’s June 6th 2017 article titled ‘Keith Schembri’s protective puppets’:

“We’re not in safe hands, chaps. These are two faces of the rule of law, side by side at an eve of Sette Giugno ceremony: the Commissioner of Police and the chairman of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit, who is also the Attorney-General.

The one chairs the state anti-money-laundering body which prepared reports into the activities of Schembri and his associates (and Konrad Mizzi and Brian Tonna, too), and the other one buried them when his job was to trigger an investigation.

What would the police have done if the FIAU reports were about you or your business? They would have pounced. You’d have been hauled over the coals and into court.”

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