President Christine Lagarde was found guilty of approving a massive payout of taxpayers’ money to controversial businessman Bernard Tapie

In another piece, I pointed out that the reason why the European Central Bank will not comment on charges brought against Edward Scicluna is that President Christine Lagarde is corrupt herself. I want to remind you that Christine Lagarde is also the chief of the International Monetary Fund—another controlling tool that takes everything you earn from you.

It was back in 2017 that Lagarde was “found guilty of negligence in approving a massive payout of taxpayers’ money to controversial French businessman Bernard Tapie but avoided a jail sentence.” [More about Bernard Tapie in another piece]. She had approved an award of €404m ($429m; £340m) when she was the French finance minister to this businessman for a disputed sale of a firm.

Lagarde was found guilty by “the Cour de Justice de la République, a special tribunal set up to judge ministers and public officials for alleged crimes committed while in office. It is made up of three professional judges and 12 politicians from the French houses of parliament.” Another set-up circus so to make the French believe that justice is being served, when in reality, they find loopholes and excuses so that justice is never served.

Don’t fret! She always denied wrongdoing, like our politicians do, and was not even present when the French court handed down the verdict. Instead, she was sitting her arse warmly and nicely on the plane’s seat on her way to Washington DC, where the IMF is based.

Don’t fret! “Within hours of the court’s decision, the IMF’s 24-member board convened a meeting to discuss Lagarde’s future. On Monday evening, the IMF’s Washington-based executive board gave Lagarde its full support,” saying that “it retained ‘full confidence’ in her leadership.” Thus, she still kept her job.

You must love envisioning 24 members with their arses sitting nicely and warmly around a round table, discussing how to keep on enslaving you in their private banking system, which is one of the most evil things in existence, as it allows everything else that is evil to continue. Do you remember being asked if this IMF should exist? Do you remember voting for it?

Don’t fret! “The French government also confirmed its confidence in Ms. Lagarde, who was reappointed to a five-year term at the IMF” during that year in February.

Don’t fret! Corrupt Lagarde, like our corrupt politicians, said she acted ‘in the public interest.’

Don’t fret! Even the former US Treasury secretary, Larry Summers, said it was a “sorry day for French justice” as Lagarde was the “‘best thing’ to happen to the IMF in a long time.” Truly, it was a sorry day for the French taxpayers.

Don’t fret! Lagarde was only found guilty of negligence. Negligence? Are there naive and unfit-for-purpose politicians in the French cabinet, by any chance too? She should have been found guilty of consciously giving the taxpayers’ money to a businessman. Was Lagarde bribed by this businessman in the corrupt political puppet show where businessmen and politicians collude together to screw the nation?

Don’t fret! The French court did not hand down any punishment for Lagarde, as it put into practice the set of laws that only apply to politicians. Why? Because she was “accused of allowing the misuse of public funds, rather than actual corruption.” Dear French nation, your politicians can steal your money as they please. Don’t fret, as this is not a crime. Just negligence. If it were the other way around, and you were caught misusing the government’s money, which is truly your money, the court would have a field day and make a show of you.

And so, instead of being sentenced to a year in prison and fined €15,000, she escaped a sentence and emerged from the trial without a criminal record.

“Explaining the verdict, which took many by surprise, Judge Martine Ract Madoux said: ‘The context of the global financial crisis in which Madame Lagarde found herself in should be taken into account.'”

Lagarde had said, “She would not appeal against the ruling. In her words, “There’s a point in time when one has to just stop, turn the page and move on and continue to work with those who have put their trust in me.”

Dear worldwide readers of good faith, there is a point in our history when we have to just stop, stop the page, and gather to sweep clean the world and work with all those who want, like us, to sweep clean the world from all this corruption, which is clearly present at the highest levels.

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