Predictive Programming: When the comedy show Barney Miller revealed the nature of the Trilateral Commission

Barney Miller was an American sitcom television series, broadcasted on ABC Network from January 23, 1975 to May 20, 1982. It is set in a New York City Police Department police station and took place “almost entirely within the confines of the detectives’ squad room and Captain Barney Miller’s adjoining office of New York City’s fictional 12th Precinct.”

“A typical episode featured the detectives of the 12th bringing in several complainants and/or suspects to the squad room. Usually, there were two or three separate subplots in a given episode, with different officers dealing with different crimes.”

What follows is what was revealed in one of the programs.

“And meet them face to face. I wanted them to admit what they were doing.”

“Who is they?”

“It is the office of the Trilateral Commission.”

“Trilateral Commission.”

“Yeah, the Trilateral Commission.” [laughter]

“Alright. What is the Trilateral Commission?”

“It is an organization founded in 1973 by the David Rockefeller, to get together business and political leaders from the United States, Europe, Japan, so they work together for the economic and political cooperation between their nations.”

“Now, that’s what they like us to believe. But you see what they are really up to, is to scheme so to put their own loyal members in positions of power in this country, to work to erase national boundaries, create an international community and in time bring about a One World Government with David Rockefeller calling the shot!” [laughter]

“I take it they’re pressing charges.”

“Well, he broke a globe and some UNICEF artwork.”

“Well, they are on it too.” [laughter]

“Ok, Mr Klein…”

“But I’m telling you our whole way of life as we know it is in jeopardy.”

“I appreciate that information.”

“But I have the documented evidence. It’s all in there, show him.”

“Well, he’s got these magazines here.”

“Conspiracy review? Suppress Truth Roundup?” [laughter]

“But that’s how their master plan is exposed.”

“Well, you’re still not convinced, eh? Would you like to hear the name of some of the people that have been on the Trilateral Commission?”

“James E. Carter, you heard of him? Henry Kissinger, you heard of him? Walter Mandale.”

“Who?” [laughter]

“John Anderson. George Bush! Now remember, at the convention, everybody thought it was going to be Ford for VIP. David Rockefeller just picked up the phone, put in a call, “Hey Ronnie, forget Gerry. It’s George. Bye. [laughter]. So, no matter who won in November, they had the man in the White House.”

They always tell you the truth in plain sight. This time they did it through comedy, because they knew no one would believe them.

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