Politicians, journalists and the Law Courts turn Malta into a fully police state

The desensitized, numb police regard the general public with suspicion, because they have been trained so.

If you are a small fish caught committing a crime, small or big, you are dragged over the coals and crucified by the same police.

And these are the same police who “sat on, concealed and ignored the results of an investigation by Malta’s official anti-money-laundering state investigators, the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit, which told them that Keith Schembri, the prime minister’s chef of staff, had taken a sizeable cut from Brian Tonna, the corrupt accountant who helps the gangland sharks at the Auberge de Castille to launder money through a complicated arrangement of (no longer) secret offshore companies, on the sale of Maltese citizenship to Russians.” You can read more here.

Maybe because Schembri was protected through internal pacts by his fraternity brothers – former Police Commissioner Lawrence Cutajar and the former chairman of the FIAU, who was also the Attorney-General, Peter Grech. Instead of being the two faces of the rule of law, one chaired the state anti-money-laundering body which prepared reports into the activities of Schembri and his cronies while Cutajar buried them when his job was to trigger an investigation. But internal pacts are internal pacts, and protection of the brothers is a must.

If you are a small fish and the FIAU reports are about you or your business, you are dragged over the coals and crucified by the same police.

If you are a big fish, or a Schembri fish, or any of the klikka, you can roam around freely whatever you do because you are safe in the knowledge that the police won’t touch you. And if you happened to have brothers of different mothers and fathers, it is much better because you can roam around freely whatever you do because you are safe in the knowledge that the same brothers who ‘coincidentally’ happen to have high public office positions, will protect you. And the police would not pounce.

And these are the same police who sat on the information which was passed on by the Degiorgio brothers regarding the murder of a journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia. Even though Inspector Mercieca did pass the information to his superiors, nothing was done.

But if you happened to be a journalist of the lying mainstream media, rest assured that you would also get the privilege of the protection of the police. After holding a meeting with the police and courts “in a bid to address journalists’ logistical and security concerns,” the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) “confirmed that the police will be involved in guaranteeing the safety of journalists covering the beginning of the most politically-sensitive court case in Malta’s history.”

“Journalists will be receiving police protection as Joseph Muscat becomes the first Maltese prime minister to be arraigned next week, amid plans by his supporters to organise a show of force outside of the Law Courts.”

The stigma that the labourites are the dangerous savages of the seventies and eighties still carries on, unfortunately. And I come from a family with labourite roots.

These are the same police who roamed the streets during COVID-19 to check on people and mask-wearing. These are the same police who roamed the streets during COVID-19 to check if the vaccinated carried their vaccine certificates in their wallets. These are the same police who knocked on people’s doors to check if they are keeping Charmaine’s bubble of small groups of people. If you weren’t being the ‘compliant government complier,’ you would have been dragged over the coals and dragged to court and fined the usual tax which is given when you are not obeying the government – the fine, that is.

And now, the police force, who is part of this great institution called security, is distorting and deciding what perceptions the Maltese nation is going to end up with by altering event and reality to protect journalists from the public, just like the criminals do.

And while the masses are distracted amongst all this VGH magisterial inquiry hype or whatever they are given by the PL, PN, Repubblichini and all the rest of the crooks and cronies and their ilk puppet show to dwell upon, the police are becoming more hyped up against the general public with the blessing of the Law Courts and these so-called journalists of the lying mainstream media which has been fuelling the divide and conquer and dog-against-dog culture for many, many years now.

Malta has truly become a police state, a state where everything boils down, in essence, to abuse of power.

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