On the plan of turning humanity into an interdependent species

Alan: “Now we’ve got Andrew in Victoria. Are you there, Andrew?

Andrew: Yes. Hi Alan. How are you tonight?

Alan: I’m keeping out of this awful snow. It’s a whole week everyday in the snow, just clearing the snow.

Andrew: I hear you. Here in Victoria I can tell you that yesterday we’re probably the only place in Canada that didn’t have snow. We just had the rain mixed with snow and we’re the only place without it.

Alan: Really. That’s because they made up for it. They dumped it all here right over my house, over my house. I’ve getting about eight inches per day averaging.

Andrew: Eight inches a day?
Alan: Yes.
Andrew: The start of a new ice age, right?

Alan: Well whatever they get. I was on another show today and I was mentioning the publication that came out a couple of years ago when the Pentagon said they’ll shortly own the weather. Whenever they announce that they do own the weather and we’re seeing it because I had so many emails from New England and Maine and all over the eastern seaboard talking about the most intensive spraying they’ve seen leading up to the storm. I’ve seen them do this before even in my area in previous years, so they’re doing it. They’ve got to convince the public it’s all to do with the melting polar cap and all the rest of it. They make it happen and they come forward with the solution, which is your life is not your own and we’re all interdependent and you’ll have to do what we tell you and follow what the scientists say.

Andrew: Well that’s it. You hit a major word there, interdependence. It’s a new word that we’ve been fed on in the New Age and what I’m teaching my daughter is skip that. Stick with independence. That’s where we want to be.

Alan: Maggie Thatcher pushed that out when she escorted Mikhail Gorbachev around the world on a tour and she was the first one to really use that publicly at least on television. Although there were books published. Even Manley P. Hall, high freemason, published that in one of his books that they’ll be bringing in a world of interdependence where everyone will be dependent on the whole system for every need they have and that’s the point. Independence is bad. Interdependence is good and so you’ll all have to play the game.

Andrew: Yes and if you don’t fit in then well you must have a psychiatric illness and off you go.

Alan: Yes. In China they use it already. They call it social and antisocial behavior. Even down to having a second child is now termed as being antisocial. You’re taking the food away from the rest of the people by having that second child and you’re antisocial, so this has been used now across all societies this kind of terminology. If you don’t want to give up independence in a specific area you have to — see in an interdependent society you have to work in a system, get your money or credits because credits eventually will be dished out by the government and you have to pay rent. There will be no private property in the new system and therefore you must work, so that guarantees that you work for the system in the way that the system is designed. You won’t be allowed to choose what you work at and you’ll be dependent for every need for your own personal survival on the system. That’s the world they’re talking about. They create social approval and social disapproval, that’s the term they use in China.

Andrew: Wonderful. The model state according to the United Nations.

Alan: Exactly. That’s the model state for us all to follow. A controlled society and even in China the population will be brought down drastically because they won’t need a big manufacturing system to supply a much reduced population in the world, so they will be brought down too.

Andrew: That’s right and China is creating their work camps. I mean you look at [FoxPawn]. They’re the people that make Apple Computers. You go by an Apple and it says designed in California, assembled in China.

Alan: That’s right, and you know that Eve started the whole thing by eating an apple. What a
coincidence, eh?

Andrew: Yeah, taking a bite out of the apple.

Alan: And the best apple there is is a red rosy one called a Macintosh. Everything is in front of us. It’s all a big joke and the gatekeeper’s in control of it all.

Andrew: Yes, and then they create an illusion of competition between Jobs and Gates.

Alan: That’s right. Here are the top companies in electronics that the public think is an entertainment business like SONY and all the rest of them are hand-in-glove, the same agenda to do with brain implants et cetera, because all the biggest corporations in the world are actually started up by the Pentagon or the CIA or by MI6. They’re real corporations and they bring in money and they do make other products but their main thing is to make sure they’re always in control of the future and technology. They could never allow a competitor to come up and come out with something drastically different and that’s why the big ones are all joined together at the hip basically.

Andrew: And here as I stare at an Apple computer there’s a little television camera right in the middle at the top and when it’s active there’s a little green light that comes on beside it to say hey you know this camera is watching you, but anybody who knows anything about computers knows it’s a simple matter of just to send a signal to say turn off that light, so for all I know as I’m standing here somebody’s watching me without my knowledge. It’s 1984, right now.

Alan: It’s right there and they’ve already admitted it. Some of them they can activate the microphones in the laptops anytime that they wish to and hear everything that’s being said in rooms.

Andrew: That’s why the computer is on or off.

Alan: That’s right. In fact the biggest producer — they’re made just outside Shanghai. Most laptops of all companies are made by the same company. One factory makes them of all brand makes and that’s your other clue that they’re all one. They’ve given out one to the United Nations. It’s called the $100 computer and they’re giving them out to people in Africa and different countries. Over here they cost about $300 and that buys supposedly two other ones to give away to Africa and it was invented at MIT and funded again by the big dark forces at the Pentagon and they’re so far advanced to anything that you’re given here it’s staggering. They could even work on cell phone technology; you don’t even need to be hooked up to the regular internet. The sound cards are more superior and you get antennas with them as well. I’ll be back with more after these messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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