Updated: On the dishonourable former Attorney General and FIAU Chief Peter Grech – who protects his brothers along other brothers via internal pacts

Who is the dishonourable former Attorney General Peter Grech, who protects his brothers like Keith Schembri and his associates via internal pacts?

Grech was appointed by a Nationalist administration in 2010 and kept his position thanks to Joseph Muscat. He is also “regarded in the legal community as having been one of the weakest Attorney Generals to have occupied the position”.

But he’s not lying around somewhere doing the purge of his sins to clean himself from his bad reputation. The psychopathic patriarchy won’t have anything to do with that with its corrupt practices.

It was the same patriarchy that gave this same shameful Attorney General a new justice ministry consultancy contract with a nearly 10% raise in his income in such a role.

“According to Grech’s latest annual contract, the former AG will be seeing his income rise from €62,000 to €68,000 a year.” For Grech, unlike you dear slave, there aren’t pension cuts or capped pensions, unlike you dear slave. He is also receiving a full pension as a former AG and is still lecturing at the Tal-Qroqq “cradle of wisdom,” the tal-Qroqq University of Malta. Shouldn’t universities be hiring lecturers with integrity and clean conduct [not the conduct issued by the police force under the helm of police commissioners like Lawrence Cutajar, that is.] But you know, universities might have some chequered floors too, you know.

Anyways. So many buildings have invisible chequered floors, you will be amazed.

Shift news added that this contract left “Grech in a position ‘to represent’ the justice ministry” and hence the Labour government. We get confirmation that we have a lot of paranormal activities happening in the government because the Shift team added that “Grech’s contract does not stipulate any particular assignment or any place from where he is meant to provide his services.” He is being paid for doing nothing, perhaps, until he is given instructions by the Labour-appointed “Justice Ministry’s Permanent Secretary Johan Galea” who receives his orders straight from Labour Justice Minister Jonathan Attard, instructions that tell of fairy tales and gossip about how to sidetrack justice in our justice system, perhaps, where justice does not reign, definitely. Malta will need a much bigger prison if justice can and will ever be served on this small island at the centre of huge corruption, with all these useless, incompetent male pigs in the patriarchy who just serve each other by rewarding each other with remunerations for being useless, incompetent, and corrupt male pigs in the patriarchy.

“Two weeks after his resignation in September 2020”, he was put back on the public payroll by the then JUSTICE MINISTER Edward Zammit Lewis, who coincidentally is also related to Grech, who “had first placed him on a three-month ‘transitional contract’ at €7,000 a month.” Are you getting the whole picture of the spiders and the weaving of their cobweb?

Do you get contracts of €7,000 a month, dear slave with capped pensions?

“That contract was later converted into an annual one and was reconfirmed, with a raise, by Prime Minister Robert Abela.”

Abela has been caught with his hands in the till of nepotism and cronyism. It is of little use for weak Abela to wash the outside when the inside is unclean.

At the end of its article, Shift News wrote:

“In 2016, when the Panama Papers were published with evidence showing the financial machinations of former energy minister Konrad Mizzi, OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri and another “VIP” who opened Egrant Inc, Grech refused to take action.

He instead instructed the police to go slow on any related investigation. He had also advised against the seizure of the servers of Nexia BT, Brian Tonna’s accounting firm that set up the Panamanian and New Zealand financial structures.

At the time, Grech had also been the chairman of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit, which had failed to tangibly act on rampant money laundering, which earned Malta its Financial Action Task Force grey-listing.

The connection that Shift News failed to make or see, although a good article, is that here we have another situation of brothers in high-profile state positions protecting each other with internal pacts—the Attorney General and Chairman of the FIAU Grech working hand-in-hand with former Commissioner of Police Lawrence Cutajar but not hand-in-hand with the rule of law, so to protect Keith Schembri and his associates. One prepared reports into the activities of Schembri and his associates (and Konrad Mizzi and Brian Tonna, too) while refusing to take action and instructing the police under the helm of former Commissioner of Police Lawrence Cutajar to go slow on any related investigations, while the other buried these investigations when his job was to trigger an investigation.

We are not in safe and good hands, chaps and the gravity of the whole situation is beyond comprehension. We have a whole bunch of corrupt politicians and their associates, appointed bureaucrats, lawyers, university lecturers, doctors, scientists, businessmen—you name it, you have it—at every tier of society, with some in high official positions, that have bundled themselves up together in internal pacts of protection with hearts filled with greed and wickedness while they flung off the nearest cliff, the whole nation in a dark pit fading to grey again.

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