On bureaucrats and mainstream authors that worked for the scientific intelligentsia and British Secret Service

Alan Watt: “Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and I’ve got race through another two callers. I’ve got Vera from Missouri here. Are you there, Vera? Hello Vera?

Vera: Hello. The scientists who work for these elite, the super intelligent people, aren’t the elite afraid of them?

Alan: No. You’ll find that if you study — you see the thing is to study as many previous systems as possible. It gives you an idea of how it works and so much was written about the Soviet system and what they’ve found out and many books have been published about the Soviet system. It was an experimental system that’s now used worldwide and the most monitored people and spied upon people were bureaucrats who work for the system and the scientific intelligentsia. They had more taps on their phones, in their rooms and so on. There was so much data collected daily on every single one of their main employees that they couldn’t miss one when they went kind of haywire. They’d catch them before anything happened and it’s the same here, same system.

Vera: Kind of scary but I’ve been studying this for a long, long time. Well not studying it but been looking at it. I have a very old book here and I’ll read this really quick and I’ll shorten it but it says: ‘There will always be individuals more intelligent than the average who will not consider themselves bound by the social laws imposed on others. They will be so intelligent that not being restrained by any moral break they will end by developing a civilization similar to that imagined by Aldous Huxley,’ and that was written in 1947 by a French physicist.

Alan: Yes and it’s true when Huxley wrote his book ‘Brave New World’ in the 1930’s, 1933 and then followed it up.

Vera: He was talking about his colleagues.

Alan: Yes, and now we find out all these major characters worked for the British Secret Service. All these mainstream authors that really changed our ways of thinking and took some fantastic voyages and so on, they were all employed and MI6 took over that role and even big poets were even employed by the culture creators to get ideas into our minds and shape our minds as we went along with the agenda, thinking it was all quite natural.

Vera: It never looked natural to me.

Alan: Oh I know. If your mind is awake you understand what’s happening all the time.

Vera: Well it’s quite depressing I’ll tell you.

Alan: I know. Well thanks for calling.

Vera: Thank you.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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