Mark Camilleri, the apparatchik of the PN Establishment, fuels hatred towards Labour supporters

Mark Camilleri, the rent seeker and another of those swinging characters who shifted from the PL to the PN, while glorifying Metsola and all the rest of the ilk, published another of his venomous blogs, saying, ‘We found the Establishment.’

This is another proof to you that you have all the PN’s Establishment, and its aides coming together to parrot the same stuff that the PL is the Establishment.

In a super sweet and short article but which spits venom as much as the largest snake in the world can spit, Camilleri, the rent seeker, writes:

“The mysterious and nefarious Establishment that Robert Abela has been talking about has been found” and adds a screenshot of a message that a Labour supporter, under the name of a business page named ‘The Establishment,’ sent him. The message is full of swear words and I condemn the swearing and such a message. Because the trick with the Establishment is to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. It kills it.

But let me remind Camilleri the rent seeker, that he swears a millionfold more than the swear words found in this message. I remind the readers that I worked as a part-timer for a few weeks at the National Book Council when Camilleri was the Chairman under the PL governance, and when on speaker, since he was hardly seen on the premises while he stayed home studying, the blasphemy that used to come out of his mouth was enough to collapse the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel! More about Camilleri in a future piece.

Camilleri should understand, but I doubt he will, considering that he is on a path of vengeance and revenge, meaning that he is on a very low vibration and frequency indeed, which is not that of harmony, peace, and love, that when you generate hatred and more hatred with each blog published, you will fuel more hatred.

Camilleri should understand that all his cheeze talking is damaging to the Maltese nation, but he comes forth to you under the aura of Deceit, like the Cabal he is part of, to make you think that he is fighting corruption. Yet, in no way, is he liberating the Maltese nation.

Camilleri should understand that his manipulative tactics, as the typical manipulative narcissist, are dangerous because when he blames someone else for their reaction to their toxic behaviour, then we might say that it is understandable. Throughout, these narcissists never discuss the disrespect that they showed, which triggered your reaction in the first place.

Camilleri, the pompous “best-selling author, historian, guerilla publisher, and ex-government executive” seeking rent wherever he can so to live like ticks and fleas off people’s blood, is fueling more hatred towards Labour supporters, which is another proof that Camilleri and his clan, have no respect at all for the Maltese nation, let alone love.

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