It is a one-party system where everything ties back to the central banks. Is Malta controlled and governed by the Central Bank?

Are you still thinking of voting any of the two sides? They are on the same side, and both lie in the same bed, and this is not only a local political context. Both sides are on the same side to screw you, to screw the country, to screw the nations and together, they screw the world.

In the United States for example, both Democrats and Republics are backed by the Federal Reserve, which is paying both sides to implement its policies. In 1913, there was a Republican running for the Aldrich Plan, which was the Federal Reserve plan, and then there was Woodrow Wilson. And both of them were enacting the same thing. So when it goes into the whole thing of one is going to do this while one is going to do the other, it is not true. They are all in for the same thing. And, you might be surprised to know that it all ties back to the Federal Reserve.

Everything is orchestrated by bankers, making loads of money out of people.

Look at what happened to people who went against a central banking system, like Lincoln, Jackson, JFK, and Gaddafi. When you think about it, you see that they were either assassinated or they disappeared.

Can we say that in Malta everything ties back to the Central Bank?

Is Malta governed by the Central Bank, which in turn has to obey the ECB’s monetary policies?

Is Malta governed by the Central Bank, which in turn is financially and mechanically assisted and surveilled by the International Monetary Fund?

Isn’t the International Monetary Fund chief the same president of the ECB – Christine Lagarde?

Doesn’t the Rothschild ruling family – the banking trillionaire family, possess mass ownership of the banks? Can you see how everything is tied?

If you want to know about the Federal Bank Reserve in America, I suggest you read Mullin’s book “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” (2021). In it, “Mullins presents some bare facts about the Federal Reserve System with subjects on: it IS NOT a U.S. government bank; it IS NOT controlled by Congress; it IS a privately owned Central Bank controlled by the elite financiers in their own interest. The Federal Reserve elite controls excessive interest rates, inflation, the printing of paper money, and have taken control of the depression of prosperity in the United States.”

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