Is the hospital drama that Malta is currently going through another political game?

Is the hospital drama that Malta is currently going through another political game?

Are both parties trying to raise the political heat so that the people, with a good part of the population being reluctant to vote, go out and cast their vote, in the upcoming MEP elections?

Why is this running commentary?

The timing is what it is. The inquiry is winding up only weeks before Malta is due to vote in local elections. According to the surveys, the Labour Party is enjoying a comfortable lead.

Both political parties know that not many people were going to vote, so they are warming up the nation and those who were doubtful or who were going to vote for an independent candidate, so that they will vote for PL or PN again. The purpose is that the six MEP seats will always remain the domain of the blue and the red. Rest assured that after the election, the hospital saga will be something of the past and nobody will be convicted of anything.

So it is another distraction from the destruction of the country so they keep us distracted and fighting each other instead of fighting those who are truly destroying our country.

They want to keep you in the matrix of giving you the illusion of a choice, while you remain stuck with the usual two parties, which have seen to destroy Malta from Eddie Fenech Adami onwards, so that we are where we are today.

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