If there was an election every month, Malta would turn into ‘paradise’

If there was an election every month, Malta would turn into ‘paradise,’ so to speak. Apart from government jobs, government housing, cheques and more money:

Below are projects which coincidentally had all the same timing:

Even the educators’ sectoral agreement had the same timing. What a coincidence to have educators treated as pawns from both the MUT and the government in an orchestrated plan so that their agreement is agreed upon by both very close to the MEP elections:

All of the above is just a political game of bribery, corruption, and abuse of power. This government is disgusting. It is all a distraction so that we do not turn our face to the destruction which is going on:

Illegalities also continue because those who abuse of our country are the lackeys of those who were given the power to abuse of the same power given to them via the ballot:

This government is beyond disgusting. We are living the worst times of the most destruction that we have ever had in the history of our country! L-aqwa żmien tal-aktar qirda li qatt kellna fl-istorja ta’ pajjiżna. It is pure uglification of a country which was once a quiet and peaceful rural island but which has been turned into a much worse third world war urban city:

This is shocking abuse and rape of our country. This is abuse of our health and well-being. This is abuse of our right to live in peace and to live on an island which was meant to be an island holding a small number of people living together in simplicity and peace. I miss the country I was born in and raised in but the damage has been done and now there is no turning back to how it was.

Balluta in the past

And the irony is that while Malta has been destroyed with progressive regressive over-development so to fatten the pigs, their lackeys and the squatters, all the natural and open spaces which it could offer us for free like valleys, beaches, promenades, and public spaces, were destroyed. They are ‘terraforming’ Malta with these enclosed spaces and zones which are the way they build back better for them but not for you, while giving you these prison cages called ‘open spaces’, ‘green spaces’, ‘creative spaces’ and the rest of the political bullshit jargon which costed them millions so they can tax us into living in a 15 minute ghetto island.

This is not a case of ‘I saw Malta Changing’ but ‘I saw Malta Vanishing.’

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