How they are standardizing the planet

Alan Watt: “We know as far back as Rudyard Kipling that wrote a very good book called ‘The Man Who Would Be King’ and they made that into a movie with Michael Caine and Sean Connery. Excellent book, it had a Masonic tale added to it. Kipling himself was also a propagandist for the British Commonwealth. He was brought up in India but he was staunchly in favor of Britain leading this world into this new British system worldwide. He came over and gave a speech to the Senate, being a High Mason you’re allowed to do that, on the Senate floor and he quoted is famous poem where he said, ‘We pass the torch on to you. The white man’s burden,’ and that was their role from then on. Then the Royal Institute for International Affairs created its American branch, The Council on Foreign Relations took over the job of directing the world because it had a massive tax base and plenty manpower to bring off this job. They said that the U.S. would take over and become the policemen of the world for a while. Eventually it would falter. It would rally again a couple of times and falter at the very end and then China would take over as the policemen of the world. That’s how it’s all set up. We’re living through the theatrics right now at the moment as they finish off their job of standardizing the planet.

Now we’ve also got another caller there on the line. Hello, Maggie?

Maggie: Yes. I was just thinking in this brave new world of perfect control of everything, reproductive control, just everything that you’ve been talking about and they’ve been planning, don’t you think that once they’ve achieved that they might become a little bit bored and start to turn on each other? Secondly, do you think they foresee that problem at all?

Alan: Yes, they do foresee it.

Maggie: What do they think they’re going to do about that or will they cross that bridge when they come to it?

Alan: No, they’re going to use technology to stop themselves eventually.

Maggie: Really.

Alan: Yes and it’s interesting because I’ve got an article I’ll read in a little moment that backs up this whole thing about using video games and how they affect your brain, but they’ve already got a little ring they can put round a brain which will monitor each other’s thoughts basically and keep them all in check at the top as well. It will be on a higher level than those down below and less intrusive, but it’s an actual ring; and Arthur C. Clarke, I wondered where he came up with this idea but I knew he belonged to The Futurist Society and every book he’s written has been about the agenda and so he was given a story obviously because this has been reported in major magazines and I’ll be reading about that in a little while. They think they can actually keep themselves inter-scanned everyday on a daily basis and they won’t be able to hide any nasty details from each other at the top.

Maggie: It still seems to me like some foxy individual among them is going to try to find a way around this.

Alan: I’m sure you’re right because these characters are so devious and even in their own little games with each other at times and they have the ability to think outside the box and see unique opportunities to alter anything technological-wise that’s made. If you made a machine that you couldn’t break into they’d find a way to do it, so I’m sure it will be a power play for a while as different ones try to get into this failsafe type system they want to set-up and then conquer everyone else’s mind. See the thing is — the goal itself is going to give the ability of one person eventually being in charge of everyone else on the planet. The main programmer, the one who designs all the programs for all this stuff that’s coming up will be — they’ll probably call themselves God or gives themselves an old deity’s name. That’s what we’re setting ourselves up for and most people will go along with this step-by-step in the bottom levels before they get to the final stage of this. They’ll go along thinking it’s going to entertain them all the more and it’s quite amazing to see it all happen now even in your own lifetime.

Maggie: Yes. Now once they’ve reach this perfect state of perfect numbness, which is what it sounds like to me, what will the pleasures of the people at the top that they still enjoy. Will it be fine music and art and food and racehorses and that sort of thing? Will they still have the capacity to?

Alan: Yes. In fact that’s pretty well what Arthur C. Clarke foresaw.

Maggie: That’s about it, okay.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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