How our whole-life training is based on freemasonry, the religion that runs the world

Alan Watt: “Now we’ve got Ryan in New York. Are you there, Ryan?

Ryan: Hey, you can hear me?
Alan: Yes I can. Go ahead.

Ryan: I think a few shows ago you mentioned how the mystery religion was basically various forms of enslavement and it made me to think about how religion refers to binding and tying up and the mystery binding, like you come into this world and you go to school and you follow these laws and you’re kind of binded. It’s really like you kind of are the mystery religion.

Alan: Your whole culture is the mystery religion. You don’t realize that everything that’s happened in your lifetime, all the little formalities that you think are cultural are actually religious in nature and they were given to you. Albert Pike explained some of this in his own writings. He was the Pope of Freemasonry for a long time and he said a phrase that most people miss or they can’t understand. He said including those who are freemasons but have never gone through the higher rituals. He was talking about people who haven’t taken the first, second and third degrees, because your whole training in life is actually masonically based. Your own education system, if you read all the top Masonic books that are put out by the Grand Lodge of England or the Coronati Lodge of England, that’s their research department, they admit that they were behind the setting up and the promoting worldwide of a standardized educational system for everyone. Your whole education came from them.

Secondly, the eradication of standardized religions was also part of their ideology. It’s been primarily freemasons who went round to where your social events or even where your local government institutions were, where they would always open with some prayer or other and complain that that was offensive to them; and so they had a massive network going round and doing this and that’s why they were all pulled out of these particular meetings and in school eventually.

You’re living in a Masonic system and culture and it works from the bottom right up to the top. You’ll find pretty well everybody on your school board is either Eastern Star or a member of one of the lodges and that goes all the way up to your federal government. You’re living within, inside a religion. I’ll be back with more after the following messages.

Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. I don’t know if Ryan is still on the line. Are you there, Ryan?

Ryan: Yes.

Alan: I was going to mention as well that the whole idea of training in school and grading you — even a “grade” comes from a term, to grade, to build upwards, as you would build a hill or a pyramid. All the terms that you use are building terms from freemasonry that copied its terminology from the architecture of ancient times. Then you go up through your college and you’re a ‘pupil.’ A pupil is part of your eye, the Eye of Ra. You are a pupil. That’s why you’re ‘the apple of the eye,’ you see, and you start off as a pupil and then you become a student and then you go up and then you get maybe a diploma or a degree. A ‘degree’ is also part of the gradient, you see, as you go up the degrees. Then of course if you eventually qualify and you get your little scroll and then you’re handed — that’s your scroll for life, of course, that you’re approved. You’re dumbed down and stupid enough now and been quality approved that you can
join their system and work for them in their system. That’s what that means and then they put the little cap on you. That’s the “hod,” the old Masonic hod. That’s why it’s got that funny shape on it. It’s got the tassel hanging down, that means it’s a limp penis, by the way. That’s what it means, the tassel, and you’re now dumbed down and stupid enough to be allowed to work in their system and you’ve been approved by their quality control management team. That’s what it means. The whole system you’re living in and all the signs and symbols you see around you are freemasonic. That’s the religion that runs this world. Does that help to answer your question?

Ryan: Yes.

Alan: Well thanks for calling.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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