How Malta has been turned into the Tower of Babel’s image

Back in 2002, the English media portal English News CN announced that according to Eurostat, Malta tops immigration rates in 2022.

“Malta had the highest rate of immigrants in the European Union (EU) in 2022, according to data published by Eurostat.

The data revealed that 5.1 million people immigrated to the EU from non-EU countries, while one million emigrated from the EU to destinations outside the EU in the year under review.

The inflow of immigrants from non-EU countries more than doubled compared to the estimated 2.4 million in 2021, while the number of EU residents emigrating outside the EU remained stable, according to the EU’s statistical office.

In terms of the size of the resident population, Malta recorded the highest immigration rate in 2022 with 66 immigrants per 1,000 residents, followed by Luxembourg (48) and Estonia (37).”

You can bet that it is much worse today, a year and a half later.

Clearly, Malta has been turned into the modern Tower of Babel’s image while they shovel the multiculturalism hoax down our throats.

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