Dr Joseph Muscat has not yet apologised to the Maltese nation

Dr Muscat’s manipulative tactics amaze me.

He uses psychological tactics to gain sympathy from Maltese voters.

Here is one of his latest Facebook posts:

I remind the readers that he is on record stating that he is ready to shoulder any responsibility. Did he do it? No. He made a U-Turn. He had admitted loud on a microphone, while being interviewed by a journalist in public, on his exit from court that this was a flagship project of his and his government in which there is still a fraudulent deal. He said that he would shoulder all his responsibility. Dr. Muscat, you cannot say one thing in public and then make a U-Turn.

Why do you still refuse to apologise to the Maltese nation? Two things I want to tell you: A man who says sorry when he is wrong is called honest. A man who says sorry when he is not sure is called wise and apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong and the other person is right. It means you value your relationship with the other person, in this case the Maltese people, more than your ego.

In this country, justice needs to be served because while the petty thieves and the citizens are dragged to court and massacred, those in public office continue to roam around when they and their crooks and cronies are those usurping and raping this nation.

In this country, it seems like we have laws that apply for the citizens only while we have another set of laws which apply to the politicians. I am not going to comment about the statements of Robert Abela, Bernard Grech and the timing of the building with the stairs. Each circus has its own way to put up a show and sometimes we do better to sit back, relax, wait and enjoy the show for free. You cannot exclude anything in this country. So we wait and see.

But we cannot deny that politicians, from both sides, always remained scot-free whatever corrupt deals they were involved in – in those deals which came out to the surface. God knows how many more there are which we do not know of, yet!

It is the time that every politician is tied to lifelong responsibility of every decision making that he or she takes while in public office.

X (Formerly Twitter)