Dr Delia fails to give you the true picture about the situation in hospital

Ever since he was appointed shadow minister of health, Dr. Adrian Delia has been writing posts on his Facebook wall that have to do with our hospital, health, and so forth. This is understandable.

In another recent post of his, he wrote:

[While the Prime Minister is attacking the courts regarding Vitals, our hospitals are on the brink. They cannot take it anymore.]

Dr. Delia fails to give you the true reality of Mater Dei, the whole picture, and the true reasons.

First, the people must be reminded that Mater Dei is a project of GonziPN, which was officially opened on June 29, 2007, with Laurence Gonzi as Prime Minister at the time. He had described it as a ‘state of the art’ when I remind you that the PL at the time had criticised it for taking up fewer beds than originally planned. Bed shortages have been plaguing Mater Dei ever since. So this is one of the reasons why Mater Dei is under pressure.

In addition, since it was the PN who has all its fingers dipped in the multiculturalism agenda, which you can read here, how can you expect Mater Dei to cater for the exceeding number of foreigners who are becoming a burden not only for Malta, but also for the healthcare system?

And last but not least, what do you expect since we had mass vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccine which is now making Mater Dei and other hospitals seeing many vaccinated who are suffering from vaccine harm, turbo cancers, cancers, cataracts, thrombosis, heart attacks, organ damage and an endless list thanks to the same experimental and deadly Covid-19 vaccine? This the true pandemic which hospitals are facing unlike that when my dad was hospitalized. Truly, Mater Dei was super quiet during Covid-19, with empty corridors. Abroad, many doctors and nurses choreographed themselves dancing. If they had the time to prepare the dance and dance while recording it, then there was no panic and there was no pandemic! Are we getting choreographies of such dances now?


Dr. Delia will be asking a series of parliamentary questions to get more information about the AstraZeneca and its withdrawal from the market due to ‘a decline in demand’ as they said. Dr. Delia must also ask its party why its past administration failed in providing the necessary hospital space which caters for Malta’s population, and why it was the party which laid the whole bed for the multiculturalism agenda.

There is no need to ask both parties why they tagged along the Covid-19 vaccines. We all know who is involved and so, we know the answer.

The real hospital pandemic is now, thanks to a government and an opposing party who worked together for the same agendas and who neither opposed the experimental and deadly covid-19 vaccines.

No politician should resort to the one-sided political rhetoric as it is a game of double-standards which harms the nation.

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