Do we have the network of Freemasonry behind the VGH deal?

Some of the names found in Times of Malta’s article mentioned behind the Vitals Global Healthcare scandal, with “11 individuals and eight companies that stand accused of money laundering and other major crimes”, should not come as a surprise.

Besides these eleven individuals and eight companies, TOM stated that “there’s a second group of 14 individuals and two companies that will be charged with secondary offences. That group includes “Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne, Central Bank governor Edward Scicluna and top civil servants.” Then we have the usual network of politicians, lawyers, accountants, civil servants and businessmen.

We have the usual former OPM chief of staff, Keith Schembri and former Minister for Energy and the Conservation of Water and former Minister for Energy and Health, Konrad Mizzi. Mizzi is not new to shady deals, “ranging from his Panama Papers offshore scandal to controversy over the Electrogas power station and allegations of kickbacks concerning a wind farm in Montenegro.” Keith Schembri is the crook testifying in court for each fraudulent case in which his name comes up, to plead that he is not a crook.

Apart from that of Mizzi and Schembri, there are other three names which should not come as a surprise at all. These are that of Adrian Hillman, former managing director of Allied Newspapers, including Times of Malta, “one of several people exposed by the Panama Papers to have set up secret offshore structures and is already facing criminal charges alongside Keith Schembri in another case. He and Schembri are alleged to have defrauded Allied Newspapers Ltd of millions by overpaying for a printing press it bought off Schembri’s company, Kasco.”

Then we have Pierre Sladden “whose name was previously not linked to the hospitals deal and we still do not know how prosecutors believe he profited from the deal.” And yet, we all know that he was very close to Keith Schembri, Adrian Hillman and another name mentioned which is that of Ivan Vassallo. What is the link here?

It was back in 27th January of 2018 when Lovin Malta published an article titled “BREAKING: Vitals Hospital Procurement Chief Named as Grand Secretary of Malta Freemason Lodge”, in which we read:

“The man who Vitals Global Healthcare entrusted with the procurement of all the medical supplies for the St Luke’s Gozo and Karin Grech hospitals has been named in a 2015 article as the Grand Secretary of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta – one of two freemason Grand Lodges in the country.”

During his interview with Freemasonry Victoria Magazine, Ivan Vassallo says there are around 300 freemasons in Malta and that members join the order ‘seeking value in a society that seems valueless’.” Lovin Malta had contacted Ivan Vassallo and asked whether he was a freemason “after finding out that six of the 61 Twitter accounts he is following are freemasonry accounts.” The other accounts he followed were mostly of Labour politicians and news portals. The media reported that “Ivan Vassallo is also listed as the co-author of a 2010 script of the trial of King Solomon conducted by the Hospitalier’s Lodge, which falls under the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta – one of two grand lodges in the country.”

When contacted, Ivan Vassallo had first told Lovin Malta that it is none of their business whether he is a freemason or not. Then, in an SMS he said that he is not a freemason and has not used his Twitter account in years, when in reality, his 2016 set up account had had a recent activity dated December 2017, a month before the publication of Lovin Malta’s article. At the time, the last tweet he had liked was that of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat commemorating Republic Day. But this screenshot, which has written “Grand Secretary Bro. Ivan Vassallo” proves that Ivan Vassallo, was a freemason:

Questions surrounded “how Vassallo had funded the purchase of medical supply firm Technoline”, where he had until 2017 worked as its sales and marketing manager. Vassallo had bought out Technoline’s shareholders in February and April 2017, a deal which informed industry sources say must have cost at least €5 million. “A few months after he had taken control of Technoline, Vitals entrusted the company with the procurement of all of its medical supplies for its three hospitals. The deal placed Malta’s other medical supply firms in a very awkward position – essentially forcing them to submit all supply bids for equipment at the three hospitals to a competitor.” Vassallo refused to say to Lovin Malta how he had financed the purchase of Technoline, which was a company which was tendered out by Simon Cusens, current Grand Master of the same lodge.

It happened that it was claimed that Vassallo’s purchase was financed by his contractor friend Pierre Sladden. “Sladden was named in the Panama Papers as having jointly owned a BVI company along with the Prime Minister’s chief of staff Keith Schembri and former Allied Group managing director Adrian Hillman.”

Vassallo and Sladden had denied these allegations, while Keith Schembri said that he had no relationship with Vassallo. The thing is that two other medical suppliers had received “an anonymous letter written by someone purporting to be a Technoline employee, admitting the entire Technoline-Vitals deal will distort the market and claiming Vassallo’s purchase was financed by his contractor friend Pierre Sladden,” the contractor from Xgħajra.

If we have proof that Vassallo was, at the time, a freemason in the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta, and was financed by Pierre Sladden who coincidentally happened to have jointly owned a company along Keith Schembri, do we have another business here discussed and planned in a lodge? Were Keith Schembri, Sladden and Hillman part of this lodge?

Was the Steward Vitals Deal concocted in one of the lodge’s meeting while the contract was signed by the ghosts and the spectres residing at Auberge de Castille?

Is this one of the many deals that a network of politicians, lawyers, accountants, civil servants, and businessmen strike in this “refuge” which is at the top of a world consuming and devouring itself with relentless materialism?

How many deals of the “business as usual”, a phrase which George Degiorgio used to describe Daphne’s murder, are concocted in these lodges where politicians, lawyers, accountants, civil servants and businessmen come together?

And now we wait with our hands on our heart for the “we freemasons are good people” to come out stating that “we freemasons are good people” with the usual too-late excuse that Vassallo was asked to resign after his name was mentioned in the hospital deal because SGLOM is a secret society with secrets of integrity.

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