Chris Fearne’s pathetic lies deepen on Valletta’s roads

The mainstream media and many others follow this site, take some points or jargon used here every now and then to then use it while ignoring you all the time. Being a woman in this patriarchy, which is even dominant in journalism, is a new kind of evil which only Daphne understood. More on this in another piece.

I am referring to the fact that journalist of the pseudo-Catholic and pseudo-church media Newsbook, Jurgen Balzan, referred to the scenes which Malta has witnessed these past days with Muscat at the helm as ‘circus,’ a typical word which this site often uses. But anyways – what can one expect from a country of the copy-and-paste and which lacks creative minds in a system created by the uncreative mind of the patriarchy.

But let me get to this piece’s topic:

Yesterday we had former deputy prime minister Fearne facing charges related to the hospitals scandal.

He said that he is adamant to defend his name in court and not on the streets. He will surely have to defend his name in front of a whole nation when people go out on the same streets once they start realising that their loved ones are being killed by the same vaccines which he sold as safe and effective. Once people realise this, politicians need to fear the streets.

He said that he understands that he needs to answer for his actions like every other citizen. He is definitely not a special privileged guy, but he is worse than any other citizen because he has abused his public office for his own gain and for the gain of those close to him.

Here comes one of the biggest lies that ever came out of Fearne’s mouth: “Throughout my tenure, I always acted with utmost correctness and today I will continue to defend my integrity.”

Here comes a second biggest lie that ever came out from Fearne’s mouth: “Whenever I took a decision, I always took it in favour of the patient and in favour of the country.” Really? Dr Fearne, this site is aware of a number of families whose children were left ‘disabled’ after you performed a surgery on them. Can you verify please? I remind the readers that Fearne worked as a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon and Clinical Chairman at Mater Dei hospital and worked and studied in a number of children’s hospitals in England, including Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool and Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. It is such a pity that these families refuse to go to court.

And what about the deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccines and the lockdowns, Dr Fearne? Did you take such decisions because you put the nation first?

But journalist Balzan left a very important piece out from Fearne’s street interview. In the usual pompous way of a typical narcissist of the highest cockier order who wants to make others believe that he is a victim, while drawing the attention to him, Fearne said: “Infakkar li kont jien li fl-2016, mhux illum jiġifieri, fl-2016, ftit wara li sirt ministru tas-saħħa, illi kont tlabt lill-awditur ġenerali biex jinvestiga din il-konċessjoni ta’ tliet sptarijiet, investigazzjoni illi għamel, investigazzjoni illi għamel f’dettall u daħal f’dettall kbir, investigazzjoni li damet seba’ snin, investigazzjoni li pprovdiet tliet rapporti, u investigazzjoni illi lili, investigazzjoni illi lili, eżoneratni minn kull ħtija u minn kull dell ta’ ħtija. U allura jiena ħa nkun illum nibda d-difiża tiegħi biex dak illi wera l-awditur ġenerali nurieh ukoll fil-qorti.”

Translated to: “I remind you that in 2016, not today that is, in 2016, shortly after I became Health Minister, I asked the auditor general to investigate this concession of three hospitals, an investigation that he did, an investigation that he did in detail and went into great detail, an investigation that lasted seven years, an investigation that provided three reports, and an investigation that exonerated me from any guilt and from any shadow of guilt. And so I’m going to start my defense today so that what the auditor general showed I’ll also show it in court.”

Isn’t he already defending himself on the streets, here? When you tell the truth, you don’t need to remember what you just said a few minutes before. But when you tell lies, whatever you state is thrown out of your memory cells, so that you repeat another lie. Notice the repetition of the word “investigation,” and other minute but not so minute details like “he did in detail and went into great detail” and “exonerated me.” Did he make sure that the point is taken?

More about this Auditor General investigation in another piece.

Let me remind Dr Fearne what Daphne wrote in her blog published on 7th August 2017:

“No, Deputy Prime Minister, you remind us why you’re prepared to be Health Minister in the government of Malta while failing to ask why that government signed a shady deal for public hospital management with an untested new outfit called, pretentiously, Vitals GLOBAL Healthcare, when you haven’t even bothered to find out who the actual shareholders are behind that secret company registered in the British Virgin Islands, or why your government colleagues signed that deal in the first place. In your case, the answer is raw, unbridled power and ambition. In their case, it’s $$$$$$$$$$$$.”

What a shame it is for our nation that we had to spend so many years with a Deputy Prime Minister who is immeasurably cockier, more arrogant and narcissistic than his counterparts in the city assemblage, which says a lot, but whose lies keep on echoing on Valletta’s streets while they make their way to the court.

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