Chris Fearne, telling to the AstraZeneca vaccinated people ‘I was just following orders’ will not cut it in their emotional discourse!

Former minister for health Chris Fearne was so happy to announce that Malta has finally the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

Strutting around like a peacock on his X account, on 19th March 2021, he wrote:

“Id-deċiżjoni li tatna l-Aġenzija tal-Mediċini #Maltija, li nibqgħu nużaw il-vaċċin tal-#AstraZeneca, kienet deċiżjoni tajba, hekk kif issa l-European Medicines Agency #EMA ikkonkludiet li dan hu vaċċin sigur u effettiv.#vaccinatetosafety”

[The decision that gave us the Medical Agency #Maltese, to keep on using the #Astrazeneca vaccine, was a good decision, now that the European Medicines Agency #EMA concluded that this is a safe and effective vaccine. #vaccinetosafety.]

He should have ended with the hashtag #vaccinetothrombosisanddeath

In another X post, he wrote: “Mil-lum għandna kanun ieħor kontra l-Coronavirus! #astrazeneca #vaċċin.”

[As from today, we have another cannon against the Coronavirus. #astrazeneca #vaccine.]

The cannon that the Maltese nation has Dr Fearne is your position as a deputy prime minister as another politikant, your position in the WHO and if you become health commissioner for the EU.

Because the cannon that the Maltese nation received thanks to the AstraZeneca vaccine is a tsunami of thrombosis, and other vaccine harm, without forgetting the deaths!

And the only cannon which the remaining Maltese nation will fire is that of the many found in the Upper Barracks when it celebrates its freedom from the sugar-coated bullshit which you have given it as a salesman of Big Pharma, Inc & Co et. al.


X (Formerly Twitter)