Bishop Mar Mari has lost sight in one of his eyes after the alleged stabbing

The world was shocked when a minor and an alleged radical Islamist, attacked Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel at the Assyrian Christ the Good Shepherd church in Wakely, a suburb of Sydney, which was caught on the church’s livestream. Following the alleged stabbing, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel lost sight in one of his eyes.

Almost two weeks after he was allegedly stabbed by a 16-year-old, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel returned to pulpit with a fresh energy to keep on elevating Jesus Christ, the one and only true God. He also made reference to the attack during an evening liturgy on Sunday at the Assyrian Christ the Good Shepherd church in Wakeley.

The bishop, who was hospitalized following the attack and was wearing an eyepatch, spoke in Assyrian, Arabic, and English during his sermons on Palm Sunday, which is observed by the Assyrian Orthodox.

“In his Arabic sermon, Emmanuel spoke of how he viewed his eye injury – sustained in the attack – as a sacrifice, and said it should be taken as a gesture of love to Muslims.

In his English sermon, Emmanuel echoed comments he made earlier forgiving the alleged offender, as a true Christian should be.

‘I will always pray for you, I will always wish you nothing but the best,’ he said.

Mar Mari Emmanuel

“Following the attack, Australian authorities attempted to silence the video and worked with various social media platforms to have it taken down. Elon Musk and his X platform (formerly Twitter) is the only major outlet that refused, in the name of free speech.” Thus, Mar Mari Emmanuel addressed the topic of freedom of speech, following the legal battle between the Australian government and the social media site X, formerly known as Twitter, about a demand to remove video of the livestream of his sermon, which showed the attack taking place.

‘I say to our beloved, the Australian government, and our beloved prime minister the honourable Mr Albanese … Every human being has the right to their freedom of speech and freedom of religion, every human being.’

‘The Buddhist has the right to express their belief, the Hindus have the right to express their beliefs, the Muslims have the right to express their beliefs, the atheists have the right to express their beliefs, also the Christians have the right to express their beliefs.’

‘For us to say that free speech is dangerous, that free speech cannot be possible in a democratic country, I’m yet to fathom this.’

‘We should be able as civilised human beings, as intellectuals, we should be able to criticise, to speak and maybe at some certain times we may sound or we may come across offensive to somewhat degree but we should be able to say I should not worry for my life to be exposed to threat or to be taken away.’

‘A non-Christian can criticise my faith, can attack my faith. I will say one thing. May god forgive you and may god bless you. This is a civilised way, an intellectual way, of approaching such events if or when they take place,’ Emmanuel said.

During the sermon, Mar Mari said that he lost his eye and he asked the Lord Jesus Christ to accept this eye as token of love, and a token of sacrifice. He did not harbor bitterness and resentment. Neither did he fall into the self-pitying trap of asking “why me.” Instead, he mirrored grace, love and mercy, adding that his sacrifice is nothing compared to what Jesus did for us on the cross.

For all those sects in the Christian community, mainly in Australia and America, a community and a church which have not yet come together in unity in the name of Jesus, which are spreading the word that this was another psyop, I say shame on you. Because these sects came out saying that since he lost one eye, then he is a member of the Illuminati as many famous people on Hollywood magazines cover one of their eyes to show you who are their masters and whose agenda they are following.

Try to follow the logic: the bishop in cahoots with the Illuminati planned for this attack. He goes to hospital and while there, they cover his eye for fun so that he shows his allegiance with the Illuminati. If he went on a Hollywood magazine, I might understand it. If he was not a Christian, I might understand it. If he is controlled opposition, I might understand it. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is often on record talking against the deadly and experimental Covid-19 vaccines, against the pandemic and measures taken, the Illuminati ruling families, freemasonry, the pharmaceutical companies and governments.

Other Australian and American “Christian” sects came out to say that since riots and counterterrorism raids followed as a result of the event, which raised tensions, then everything was planned.

These sects should understand that they wanted to get him and they did because he was becoming a public threat but created a killing spree so that more lies are spread against this bishop who has done nothing else throughout his sermons, than speaking bluntly the Truth, without any fear.

X (Formerly Twitter)