Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel on when he was deposed two days before his ordination

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel speaks about his priest journey, how he was deposed by the highest rank two days before he had to be ordained and how to trust the Lord with His plans:

“I was dying to become a priest. Apparently, very well known in the world but not accepted by some churches. The day came, they announced it that I will be ordained as priest. There were two days left for my ordination. I got deposed from the church by the highest rank in that church. Two days left to the ordination. I got deposed. I became speechless, emotionless, you name it. Destroyed, destroyed big times. You need to learn how to trust the Lord. He said, ‘It wasn’t them who deposed you. It was me. I allowed them to depose you. But if I had given you the rank at the time, you would have looked at the rank and forgotten about the one who gave you the rank. Now you’re ready. And let me see those who were against you, let me see if they are going to stand against when I say now you are to be ordained. I’ll make them come and ask you to be one.’ And they did. They came.”

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