As long as Dr Adrian Delia will parrot the statements of his party, there will remain a faction of the population that will never be attracted to vote for the PN

One cannot deny that Dr Adrian Delia is to be admired for having had the guts to take the Maltese government to court over the hospitals’ scandalous deal. One has also to add that he wasn’t supported by his party and one must recall how he was ousted out by the establishment of his party, while being massacred by the media. He was also one of the only three to vote against the embryo genetic testing law in parliament.

But then Dr Adrian Delia refuses to come out of the absurdities that his party comes out with and as long as he continues to appear under the umbrella of this party, everything said will be just another tool in the political game.

When being asked on Andrew Azzopardi on 103 last Saturday, “about surveys and political messaging”, Delia said that “the Nationalist Party is not managing to get its message across and convince the electorate.” Of course! Look at all of you talking, besides the fact that there is a faction of the population which is understanding that both parties are one and the same and that both are globalists’ puppets. The Globalists are the establishment, Dr Delia.

“Delia underlined that the PN had much more work to do to win people over, and said the party has to think in terms of being an alternative government.” Forget it dear readers. The PN cannot be an alternative government as long as it continues to tag along the agendas of the PL, after bringing to fruition, or starting, the same agendas under the administrations of Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi and as long as it continues to be a globalist puppet. Needless to say, the PN lacks a strong backbone, especially with its leader Bernard Grech who swings like a piece of stick in the winds.

“Speaking about his place in the party, Delia said he will continue to work within the party and for the country irrespective of his role in the PN.” Dr Delia, you cannot continue working for the country and within the party at the same time. You will be compromised to some extent at various points. I believe you can do much more on your own, as you did by yourself in the court case of the hospitals’ deal.

Needless to say, Delia’s statement that “he does not hold a grudge against anyone following his removal from leader” is to be admired because holding grudges is like giving free rent to the enemies to live in your head.

But as long as Dr Delia will keep on parroting the statements of his party and be part of this party, there will remain a faction of the population, that will never be attracted to vote for the PN, and this faction is growing.

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