Are Mater Dei patients suffering from thrombosis vaccinated with AstraZeneca? When will medical staff speak out?

We have seen how AstraZeneca has admitted in court that its vaccine is causing harm. The condition that AstraZeneca has acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the High Court is TTS, meaning thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, a medical condition where a person suffers from blood clots along with a low platelet count. Platelets help the blood to clot.

The condition, which is noted as a possible side effect of the injection, was formerly known as immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) caused by vaccination.

Back in March, this site published an article quoting a Maltese citizen who had witnessed excessive cases of thrombosis in the last months in people whose age ranges between 40 and 50.

Are these patients vaccinated with the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine?

Is there anyone in Mater Dei who is getting suspicious, connecting the dots, and asking questions to patients?

Why isn’t hospital staff speaking out? Why are they just keeping quiet and saying nothing for fear of consequences, hoping that this will pass, while trying to forget that they have fallen for the biggest propaganda drive of all time, which has been embarrassing to watch?

It is truly a case of medical inDOCT(O)Rination and it is a shame that none of these inDOCT(O)Rinated are speaking on behalf of these patients because they trusted the science they were taught which is not the true science because it has been infiltrated and corrupted in order to inDOCT(O)Rinate them and make them become the silent puppets of this greatest crime against humanity.

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