Alan Watt on the Bandit Bund of the International Monetary Fund

Here is a poem that Alan Watt wrote titled ‘The Bandit Bund of the International Monetary Fund:’

“Escalating Drumbeat of the IMF
Repeated Ad Nauseam ’til We’re Deaf,
Scary New Seer, ‘The End is Nigh,
Unless You Leave to Us Who’ll Lend, Who’ll Buy,’
World Merchants of Mammon Rule Earth’s Waves,
Levelling Globe into Masters and Slaves,
New Winners They’ll Raise, Others Demolish,
Sole Power of Purse, its Magic Astonish,
Experts Say Sacrifice for Bright New Day,
Tune Doesn’t Change, Peasants Always Pay,
Now Taking from You Almost All You Earn,
As Your Fathers Before, and Never Learn,
Each One Knows Within What Must He Do
— To Slay the Beast That’s Devouring You”

© Alan Watt

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