Adrian Delia forgets to tell you that the hypocritical PN never warned you not to take the experimental and deadly Covid-19 vaccines

In a latest post of his, Dr. Adrian Delia, parroting the church’s mainstream media Newsbook, wrote:

“Il-kumpanija AstraZeneca ħabbret li qed tirtira l-vaċċin kontra l-Covid-19 u se twaqqaf il-produzzjoni tiegħu. Id-deċiżjoni ttieħdet ftit jiem wara li, f’każ f’qorti ta’ Londra, rappreżentanti tagħha ammettew għall-ewwel darba li l-vaċċin jista’ jwassal għal każi rari ta’ trombożi. Midja Brittannika ddikjarat li l-ammissjoni tista’ twassal biex il-kumpanija jkollha tħallas danni lil diversi pazjenti, li possibbilment ilaħħqu l-miljuni ta’ Ewro. F’pajjiżna ser inkun qed nagħmel serje ta’mistoqsijiet parlamentari biex ikollna iktar tagħrif u informazzjoni dwar dan. Il-Gvern għandu obbligu li jinforma u jserraħ ras il-poplu tagħna.”

[The company AstraZeneca has announced that it is withdrawing the vaccine against Covid-19 and will stop its production. The decision was taken a few days after, in a case in a London court, its representatives admitted to the first time that the vaccine can lead to rare cases of thrombosis. British media stated that the company would have to pay damages to several patients, possibly reaching millions of Euros in our country. I will be asking a series of parliamentary questions to get more information about this. The Government has an obligation to inform and reassure the people.

If it wasn’t a crying matter, this statement would really be a laughing matter. How hypocritical!

First, Dr. Delia, three years on and it is too late! As a politician of the opposition party, you had to ask questions back in 2021 before Maltese citizens were coerced into taking an experimental jab, and yet, you were silent, like all your other PN mates in the party which tags along the PL in the warfare against the people!

Second, Dr. Delia, many of us what all of you deem and look upon as ‘commoners’ have warned the people and no one backed us up. No one spoke for us. On the other hand, we were called conspiracy theorists and when we were ostracized, you, and your party, did not speak up. Dear ‘commoners’, hypocrisy preaches by the yard but practices by the inch.

Third, shall we remember how back in April 2021, the PN welcomed the caution which it said was being adopted in the reduction of Covid-19 measures when it was announced by the government? I remind the readers that the PN criticised Prime Minister Robert Abela for being irresponsible which had led to the country facing the same measures it had adopted the previous year when the Covid pandemic started. Pompous PN had stated that finally the government was following what it had long been insisting on for many months! In a nutshell, the PN wanted to further clamp down on your civil liberties, which were already being slowly nibbled at with the measures which were taken during the pseudo-pandemic.

To add insult to injury, the PN covid action team, had also insisted to implement a police state as it called for an “urgent need for more rigid screening at ports and the airport because of variants in the virus and other new ones.” The continuation of what started with 9/11 basically. In a nutshell, the PN wanted to implement martial law which “is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers.”

The PN then added that “it is necessary for all measures to be taken, including having test certificates against Covid, in order to ensure that the sacrifices which the Maltese and Gozitans made and are making again will not be in vain.”

But when the March 2022 election was getting near, held exactly on the 26th, the hypocritical PN, in order to gain sympathy of the voters, made another of his many U-turns, for a change, “opposing new rules that will only allow fully vaccinated people to access restaurants, cafes and other public places”. It added that “the rules do not ‘strike the right balance between public health and people’s freedoms’, given that two-thirds of the adult population has already received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.” It had forgot that a year earlier it had insisted having test certificates against Covid.

Ħallina naqra Dr Delia! You never said a word against these experimental and deadly Covid-19 vaccines! You never backed up those who were warning the nation against them. But now you want to turn into Malta’s hero abusing of your position so to ‘ask questions to the government’ when your party backed up these vaccines.

Dear readers, I understand that the opposition party was not in government. And yet, no politician, whether an MP of the government or an MP of the opposition party, has warned you against the vaccines.

Dear readers, the PN who, as an opposition party, should have been scrutinising the government, failed to warn you. And thus Dr. Delia’s post and action is now as hypocritical as the party he is part of, is.

And I will not glorify such action because the threats, stress and pressure that we went through, with some of us losing our jobs, our income, stopping the loans while interests were kept piling up, because we refused to take such a vaccine, were very psychologically damaging.

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