A Maltese citizen complains why is the government sending cheques of higher value to foreigners

Here is a Facebook post I came across of a Maltese citizen:

“Jien Maltija, jinqatgħuli t-taxxi qabel ma nkun naf kemm qlajt…cheque €60. Barranija cheque €95, u naf għax ma kinitx taf tiddepożita fl-ATM u għentha. Thoughts…jien ma ħadtx gost!”

[I am Maltese. Taxes are deducted from my salary before I even know how much did I earn. Cheque €60. A foreigner had a cheque of €95, and I know because she did not know how to deposit it in the ATM and I helped her. Thoughts…I was not pleased!”

A comment then reads: “Mela mintix bieżla biżżejjed hi!” [You are not hardworking enough!]

I would like to ask the government is this is a mistake, since this site is hearing of a lot of mistakes in values being sent, or if foreigners are being privileged.

X (Formerly Twitter)