A coalition behind the PN establishment is protesting today to distract you from the fact that the Caruana Galizias are behind the importation of the Covid-19 vaccines

When something goes wrong in the circus, the clowns come out to alienate the audience. Something must have gone really wrong in the circus nowadays because we have clowns everywhere.

No, I am not referring to the Labour Party. I am referring to the establishment behind the PN, in cahoots with the PL’s establishment, although the coalition of the PN establishment makes you think that it is working against the PL and its establishment.

And so we get the leftists, the woke, the liberals, the pro-abortion, the pro-multiculturalism agenda, the EU alliances, and all the rest of the apparatchiks of the PN establishment coming out today with yet another protest of theirs. These apparatchiks are those who believe that they are holier than thou.

You know that they are weak as flesh and lambs that cannot stand the weight of their own wool when they join forces and keep on adding more organisations to these forces. And so, we learn on Newsbook that a coalition of 17 civil organizations will be demonstrating today in an effort to finalize the Vitals inquiry. These civil societies make you think that they are the revolt against the state, hostile towards parties and the bureaucratized version of politics. In reality, they are just an extension of the marriage between fascism and communism, while they push the agendas of the same state.

The organizations are: the Repubblichini, whose current president is none other than the university professor within the Theatre Studies Department and Chair of the School of Performing Arts at the same university. This is Vicki Ann Cremona, who wrote, edited, and translated internationally published articles and books, including “Carnival and Power: Play and politics in a Crown Colony” (Palgrave Macmillan 2018). Ironically, carnival and clowns happen to fit very well together in the theatrical, performing show of politics and civil societies.

She is also another contributor to the multi-culturalism hoax and agenda. She is on record writing: “Malta is actively committed to raising civic awareness about the problems, obligations, and the need for compassion and understanding of irregular immigrants through a process of education and public information.”

Repubblika, or the Repubblichini, are controlled by none other than their Highnesses the Caruana Galizias. Repubblika controls the PN.

We also have the usual Occupy Justice, a movement of partisan people led by women who want to see everything except justice prevailing in Malta while being in solidarity with none other than their Highnesses the Caruana Galizias.

We also have the usual manueldelia.com of “Terror be Told” with his terror media.

Vuċi Kollettiva – a youth NGO in cahoots with sustainable agendas like climate change hoaxes, with the aim of joining such agendas to force more changes on you through dictatorial policy-making and action.

SOS Malta: a one of the many NGOs in cahoots with the multiculturalism agenda.

We have a student association of the Wizardry and Sorcery Cult where indoct(o)rination runs high but surely – the Medical Biochemistry Students Association. ICT Students’ Association, KSU and Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ, have also tagged along, so to keep on proving how much the educational system makes sure to turn students into uncritical thinkers while becoming propagandists.

Then we also get another group within the university students called JEF Malta, a partisan youth NGO and political movement. JEF stands for Young European Federalists, meaning that it is in favour of everything that is pro-EU agendas. Another NGO in cahoots with the EU’s agendas is Aditus Foundation, which makes sure to have all illegal and legal migrants get access to rights at the Maltese people’s cost, while violating the same rights of the Maltese nation. Aditus Foundation is even active in the European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, European Network on Statelessness, International Detention Coalition, and is even one of the winners of the 2014 Active Citizens of Europe Awards.

We also have the leftist and liberal Moviment Graffiti, which, although it works against environment raping and against some cowboys who squat public land like that of Comino, this movement is pro-abortion and pro-illegal immigration.

We have PEN Malta, another NGO that speaks up for journalists, writers, artists, and activists as it pleases and by the pick and choose modus operandi.

Fondazione Falcone, partners and collaborators with the Repubblichini since 2023. The clowns of a circus usually clown together.

There is the UHM, the Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin, which made sure to screw the Maltese workers when it put forward the idea of European Union membership before 2004. It had also campaigned more in favour of such a membership during Malta’s referendum.

Finally, we have the Media & Knowledge Sciences Association, which is a perfect combination of how scientific propaganda and lies come together with the suppression of the press through the media.

Needless to say, the vitals inquiry is being politicised again, just like the protest for a public inquiry for the late Jean Paul Sofia, was. No coalition has ever made this nation a priority, dear readers. The only thing they can accomplish together is more harm.

Needless to say, this coalition never came out to protest when the people protested against the introduction of abortion in Malta. This coalition never came out to protest when the Maltese natives started being replaced with illegal and legal migrants, whose cheap labour is also a detriment to the natives. While we and Europeans are bemoaning the destruction of our and their unique and deeply historic respective cultures, we and Europeans are being labelled racists when Europe is being intentionally flooded with foreigners from different continents. And yet, these civil societies turn against you.

This coalition never came out to protest when the current President, HE Myriam Spiteri Debono, caught between the two political parties, came out to say that abortion will have to be decided via a referendum in the future, meaning, that what is currently a legal criminal act will become a legal act that still remains criminal through a vote by the people. Meaning, crime is being legalized while being put on the people’s shoulders to carry. But the coalition did not come out to defend the people and the growing creation inside the womb.

This coalition did not protest when the non-vaccinated were being ostracised and discriminated against when they decided not to be injected with an experimental and deadly Covid-19 vaccine. Aren’t these human rights and civil rights too, dear human rights and civil rights societies, non-governmental associations, foundations and organizations funded by God knows who?

The UHM did not protest when workers who refused the Covid-19 vaccine, were being fired. I was one of them.

This coalition only politicises matters that suit them. This site questions if there is someone in the PN establishment involved in the Vitals deal. One wonders why this coalition did not come out to protest when Dr Delia won the hospitals’ case in court but is coming out now. But you must love the way the mice start coming out of their holes, when you put the cube of cheese out while hiding the mouse trap.

All point to the fact that the coalition is not happy with the latest new information that is doing the round in Malta: Peter Caruana Galizia is the secretary of Evolve Ltd., the company that imported the vaccines, while one of his sons (of whom this site has the name and other details) is involved in the importation of the Pfizer vaccine. Their Highnesses the Caruana Galizias must be protected at all costs.

The coalition also wants to distract you from the fact that the Caruana Galizias are in cahoots with Dr. Fearne, former PL health minister, who marketed and sold these deadly and experimental vaccines.

Remember, dear readers, that when the clowns come out in the circus, although they make you laugh and shake your head a little, there is nothing of interest in what they do, and when the show ends, no one comes out to say how good the clowns were. Mostly, the audience will remember how much they laughed thanks to the clowns, but they won’t remember the clowns.

Addressing the journalists in the usual, boring and pathetic modus operandi in front of the court, the Honorary President the Repubblichino Robert Aquilina, said that this show will be called “Coming Together for a Cleaner Malta.” Their aim, the Repubblichino says, is to clean our country from abuse and fraud so that they can assure everyone that everyone is the same in front of the law.

Addressing the nation in their unique way while on Castille’s balcony, the Maltese people come together for a cleaner Malta. Their aim is to clean their country from this harmful, dangerous, two-faced, hypocritical coalition involved in abuse, fraud, and deceit so that they can assure everyone that, truly, the rule of law reigns, and that “We, the people of Malta, are sovereign.”

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