Why is the media protecting the owner who abused the Żebbuġ confiscated dogs? Any legal action in the pipeline?

It is with a saddened heart that I followed the news about the confiscation and rescue of a number of dogs of bully breeds which were being kept in appalling conditions in Żebbuġ.

“The dogs, which included two litters of puppies and their mothers, were found chained up and in a state of neglect, with some displaying injuries.”

A few days later, the media reported that one of the abused dogs, Bronko, succumbed to his injuries and died. With thanks to the authorities who keep on refusing to do something to protect all animals, including such breeds, which, thanks to the propaganda of the media, have been given a stigma and a bad name, so much so, that they are the least adopted from shelters.

Special thanks to the authorities who keep on refusing to regulate dog breeding and to temporarily ban the breeding of such breeds.

Special thanks to the authorities who are not restraining all those who are caught abusing and neglecting animals, without forgetting the absurd fines given by the court. The message out there is ‘keep on abusing animals. You will remain scot free.’

Mahatma Gandhi stated ‘You can judge a society by the way it treats its animals.’ We can tweak this to: ‘You can judge the government’s heart by the way it treats animals’ or ‘A government who doesn’t give a heck about the welfare of animals, won’t give a heck about the people.’

Instead of tackling the issue, even through educating the heart, the government’s solution is extending its rehoming centre to double the capacity for over a year – that is, making the prison for the dogs bigger.

Times of Malta said that it “understands that a person is being investigated in relation to the incident and that further enforcement measures are expected.” Being investigated? Further enforcement? Such a nice, sweet way to put everything under the rug, dear Times of Malta!

Will further action be taken or will all this be hushed down so to erase all the story from the public’s memory?

I waited a few days hoping that we would have a name but so far, it is as if these investigations are so mind-boggling and difficult, that it will take the authorities ages to have an arraignment!

Who is this person? Can we have a name? Surely, he is the owner, so it is not a question of the police having to find who committed this atrocity towards these poor animals, isn’t it?

Why hasn’t a name been mentioned? Why haven’t we been told if the said abuser was arrested or not? Why haven’t we been informed if he has been or will be arraigned in court?

Why haven’t the police taken action?

What has the Animal Welfare Department done so far? Has it taken any action? Is there need to do investigations on witnessing the state that the dogs were in, with even the death of one of them?

Is the said abuser being protected by a big boy in parliament, by any chance? Is he a friend of a politician or of any politically appointed bureaucrat?

Will all those NGOs who speak up in favour of animals be doing pressure?

And on a final note, can the media decide if the amount of these confiscated dogs was 27 or 28?

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