Whole countries are manipulated by very wealthy people using sometimes their own offspring at the head of big massive organizations, mainly through the foundations which they’d set-up as fronts for themselves

“Quigley mentions that their place in England, Chatham House, their main headquarters, became the headquarters of the OSS during World War II. That became MI6 and the reason it became the headquarters is because the members that comprised MI6, MIS and all the MI’s that they have out there (I’m sure there is many, many more) were members of this same group. Before that, they had what they called the secret service. The secret service was a part of the establishment, a society which could overrule any court. They could overrule all police in the country in the British Commonwealth and they could get what they wanted by showing a little passport. They acted on behalf of the Crown. There was no questioning of it and these people were recruited in fact from the elite families themselves. They didn’t allow the peasants into it.

It was the clique that had plundered the earth for centuries, lived off the people for centuries, making sure that the next hundred years or so was going to belong to them as well. The way you do that is to plan ahead a society with its whole system revolving around economics and all you have to do is own the banks basically; and what are the banks anyway? They’re just people who pass out paper here and there and create money out of nothing. We know the whole story for those who go into the whole banking scam. It’s a complete con job. So is debt as well. It’s a complete con job. The world is run on IOU’s. That’s how the world is run. At one time it used to be just the big kings and queens who overindulged and had to borrow money from the banking boys. Now it’s down to the person in the street. Back after the following messages.

Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. I’m talking about Carroll Quigley and how he brought his book out thinking the public would accept the fact that for some generations the people had been manipulated heavily. Whole countries had been manipulated by very wealthy people using sometimes their own offspring at the head of big massive organizations, mainly through the foundations which they’d set-up as fronts for themselves and Quigley even goes through that in his book. He talks about the Reese Commission that looked into the scandals with the foundations and the power that they influenced over whole continents basically and it hasn’t changed. These foundations were set-up as fronts for already existing very, very wealthy people and Professor Carroll Quigley thought, as I say, that the public were ready to accept this kind of almost totalitarian regime ruling over them. Maybe he wasn’t so far off the mark because we know that 80-odd percent of the public, probably in all ages but definitely in the last couple of hundred years, have never participated in their own affairs. They leave it to those who rule over them. Whoever wins is who they follow and they just hope they can get their bread and water. Today it’s electricity and televisions and video games and some beer, but nothing much has changed.

However, history is not changed by the bulk of the people. It’s always changed by the few here and there that can eventually slap them out of their unconscious state and make them look at the world as it really is and try to appeal to their humanity. Their humanity, hopefully, is their survival link to the future. Most folk are so disconnected today from each other they don’t really care and that’s the truth. That’s the sad truth. Again, it’s a scientific type of conditioning we’ve gone through. Pll just jump from the actual book ‘Tragedy & Hope’ and Carroll Quigley to a statement made by Zbigniew Brzezinski who was right up there with presidents, being advisers of the NSA and all the rest of it. He’s had all kinds of hats at the top, another member of the Trilateral Commission. This other group that also forms part of The Council on Foreign Relations; they have the same boss.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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