While Minister Ian Borg trumpets that he reiterated the importance of ceasefire in Gaza, he forgot to remind you that he abstained from it on Russian Security Council

On his Facebook page, Minister for Foreign, Trade and European Affairs, Dr. Ian Borg wrote:

‘Ninsab fi triqti lejn l-Istati Uniti. F’telefonata mal-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin Iranjan Hossein Amir-Abdollahian tennejt it-tħassib ta’ Malta dwar dak li seħħ fl-aħħar 24 siegħa, kif ukoll is-sejħa tagħna għat-trażżin tal-eskalazzjoni. Kwalunkwe’ azzjoni militari oħra tkompli twessa’ ċ-ċiklu ta’ vjolenza u twassal għal instabilita’ akbar fir-reġjun. Bħala President tal-Kunsill tas-Sigurta’ tan-Nazzjonijiet Magħquda tul dan ix-xahar t’April, l-għan tagħna huwa li d-diplomazija tagħti l-frott għall-ġid tar-reġjun kollu.

Tennejt l-importanza li jkun hemm waqfien mill-ġlied f’Gaża b’mod immedjat u permanenti, tasal biżżejjed għajnuna umanitarja u jinħelsu l-ostaġġi miżmuma kollha.”

[I am on my way to the United States. In a phone call with the Iranian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, I reiterated Malta’s concern about what has happened in the last 24 hours, as well as our call for an end to the escalation. Any other military action will continue to widen the cycle of violence and lead to greater instability in the region. As President of the Security Council of the United Nations during this month of April, our goal is that diplomacy bear fruit for the good of the entire region.

I reiterated the importance of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, sufficient humanitarian aid to arrive, and the release of all held hostages.”

How hypocritical!

While Ian Borg says that he wants a permanent stop to fights, the public should be reminded that on the Russian Security Council, he did not vote in its favour. He abstained.

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