When News12 KSLA reported about the U.S. Government secretly testing Americans ‘again’ through chemtrails

Alan Watt: “Getting back to the things that are happening in the world, there’s a very good story that came out on News12 KSLA TV-DT it’s called here and its got: ‘CHEMTRAILS: Is U.S. Government Secretly Testing Americans ‘Again’)

‘Again’ is in there. It’s posted November 9th, 2007.

‘Could a strange substance found by an Ark-La-Tex man be part of secret government testing program? That’s the question at the heart of a phenomenon called ‘Chemtrails.’ In a KSLA News 12 investigation, Reporter Jeff Ferrell shows us the results of testing we had done about what’s in our skies. “It seemed like some mornings it was just criss-crossing the whole sky. It was just like a giant checkerboard,” described Bill Nichols. He snapped several photos of the strange clouds from his home in Stamps…’

That’s S-T-A-M-P-S.

‘…in southwest Arkansas. Nichols said these unusual clouds begin as normal contrails from a jet engine. But unlike normal contrails, these do ‘not’ fade away. Soon after a recent episode he saw particles in the air. ‘We’d see it drop to the ground in a haze,’ added Nichols. He then noticed the material collecting on the ground. ‘This is water and stuff that I collected in bowls…’

He put this in a jar.

‘I had it sitting out in my backyard in my dad’s pick-up truck,’ said Nichols as he handed us a mason jar in the KSLA News 12 parking lot back in September after driving down from Arkansas. KSLA News 12 had the sample tested at a lab.

There was also the live show you can look to. I’ll put the link up on my site, too, just so you can see it and it shows you the test results that came back from the lab and at the top there’s actually arsenic as well. They don’t talk about the arsenic, even though it’s on the form if you notice with the parts per million. They go on about the barium:

‘A high level of barium, 6.8 parts per million, (ppm). That’s more than three times the toxic level set by the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA. Armed with these lab results about the high levels of barium found in our sample, we decided to contact the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. They told us that, ‘yes,’ these levels are very unusual. But at the same time they added the caveat that proving the source is a whole ‘nother matter.’

Of course it is because they’re all hush, hush about it.”

(to be continued)


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