When News12 KSLA investigated chemtrails – the findings

‘We discovered during our investigation that Barium is a hallmark of other chemtrail testing. This phenomenon even attracted the attention of a Los Angeles network affiliate, which aired a report entitled, “Toxic Sky?” There’s already no shortage of unclassified weather modification programs by the government. But those who fear chemtrails could be secret biological and chemical testing on the public point to the 1977 U.S. Senate hearings which confirmed 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Later, the 1994 Rockefeller Report concluded hundreds of thousands of military personnel were also subjected to secret biological experiments over the last 60-years.’

Alan Watt: And here they have you worried about Iraq or China.

‘But could secret testing be underway yet again? ‘I’d rather it be something inert and you know something that’s not causing any damage but I’d like to know what it is,’ concluded Nichols. KSLA News 12 discovered chemtrails are even mentioned by name in the initial draft of HR 2977 back in 2001 under the Space Preservation Act. But the military denies any such program exists.’

It exists because I copied it all down from the government at the time it happened and it certainly does exist, but why should they tell you the truth? You’re just the commoners. You’re the people, you see. ‘It turns out, until just nine years ago the government had the right, under U.S. law…’
They still do obviously. ‘…to conduct secret testing on the American public, under specific conditions….’ Now ‘specific conditions’ is a hayfield for lawyers to decipher. ‘Only a public outcry repealed part of that law…’

That’s part of that law.

‘…with some ‘exceptions. Mark Ryan, Director of the Poison Control Center, explained that short term exposure to barium…’ Now this is only one of the things they found in this test. You can see the actual video. I’ll link to it. ‘…can lead to anything from stomach to chest pains, with long-term exposure causing blood pressure problems.’ It’s good for business though for the pharmaceutical agencies. ‘…Ryan addressed concerns by chemtrail researchers that barium could be meant to wear down a person’s immune system.’

If you wanted to eventually release pandemics which would otherwise be fairly harmless viruses your body is used to, you’d have to knock out your immune system then release it and these fairly harmless viruses would kill off those who have had their immune systems destroyed. He’s quite right on about that one.

‘Anything that causes ill effects on the body long-term, chronically, is going to affect your ability, it’s just constantly working on the body. So from that aspect yeah it’s a potential.’ That’s from the disease poison center itself. ‘Ryan told us he’s conducted research of his own about secret government testing on the public.’

This is the poison control expert, so he’s getting paid by local government.

‘…But he’s still a bit skeptical about chemtrails at the moment, especially considering that his Poison Control Center has seen no calls about barium exposure.’

Well now he has one, so maybe he’ll start looking up and admitting he actually sees them because these trails are all over the skies and they have been for years now. That story was by Jeff Ferrell from this News Center television, News 12 KSLA-TV-DT.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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