What part of the corruption do you want to go back to in this life of fantasy we live in?

Alan Watt: “That’s what we’re dealing with. How can you separate business from profit and fact from fiction, when in this day and age it’s all working together and the only system we’ve been given is one really of commerce and business. We’ve been given no alternative in what we call this modern era and with that goes a lot of morals and moral principles that are all dropped and left behind in the attempt for everyone to survive and be what they call successful. That’s everyone’s dilemma and I try to say that the best we can do in this world is trying to get through it and harm the least amount of people as possible. That’s all we can truly do. However, behind the scenes as I say with people like Weishaupt talking about it before and Pike talking about it later on and others down since then, they always tell you we shall give the people their leaders.

For every mentality type out there, they’ve got a leader already out there for you to join. I find this with people who go into chat rooms. They phone me up and tell me about the battles they have in chat rooms, and I’ve never gone into a chat room because that’s all it is. It’s all egos and people with causes trying to fight the other bunch or try to persuade them to join yours and see reason. This is all intentional because Brzezinski talked about this formula that would be given to the public, long before the public were given the internet, and here it is and everyone falls for it. They forget who they are when their ego is on the defensive or they themselves are on the offensive and they’ve got to defend their ideals at all costs, so they attack each other in these chat rooms and become rather vicious. I stay clear of it and you cannot make someone understand or believe the truth. You can’t make that because most folk live in belief systems, not fact. They don’t want fact. Fact is rather boring. It can be frightening too. It’s much easier to go through life and simply live in imagination and look for aliens to come and rescue you, and they have good aliens or bad aliens, or there’s a god that’s going to do it for you, or Jesus is going to come back, or you can get a chance in the next lifetime. Christians get born again once and the reincarnationalists get born again and again and again. I mean it’s the same kind of thing: Cop out after cop out; I’ll do nothing; it will all happen in the future.

Therefore, people like myself are trying to give people a chance, maybe for the first time, by giving them just plain facts, not offering them some quick fix solution, not telling them they’re going to get anything back, any system back. How can you get a system back that was corrupt 10 years ago, 20, 50 or 100 or 200 years ago? What part of the corruption do you want to go back to?

Do you want to go back to the days of open slavery where some other color was given the chains on them or do you want to go before that when they were bringing in the white slaves but they found they were just too weak? They died off too quickly.

What point of the history do you want to go back to?

Who made the borders?

Why are there Masonic obelisks along the whole of the border from East to West Coast of Canada and the U.S.?

Who are these Masons that agreed upon that border?

Look at your history books. See the photographs yourself. See the placements of them. They’re all Masonic.

Did you vote for Masons? Did any generation vote for Masons?

We’re living in a fantasy. After World War I and II, Britain and the Allies divvied up the Middle East and Asia by drawing lines on maps and telling folks that had already lived there for centuries you’re now called this and your bunch over that way are called this and we’re going to get you fighting each other, which they do. That’s the sort of games that go on on a big, big scale. Big scale, massive scale, all the time, all the time and the public float through their lives never knowing what’s going on. Most never really caring what’s going on as long as they’re okay and that’s the sad thing. A sad comment to realize that as they said thousands of years ago, even pre- Christian, “let the dead bury their dead.” You could only be conscious or alive if you were conscious and aware of what was happening. If you were not conscious of what was happening around you, you were classified as the dead, the walking dead.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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