What is the greatest weakness of political psychopaths and what is the best way to get to them?

Alan Watt: “We’ve also got Dan from Kentucky on the phone. Hello.

Dan: Hi Alan. How are you?
Alan: I’m getting by.

Dan: Good. I’ve had a question and then I’ll get off the air so I can listen. We all have exposure to psychopaths at some time or other on all kinds of levels, but what do you think is their greatest weakness they have that we could use against them? Thanks a lot for all your work.

Alan: Yes. It’s a pleasure. The greatest weakness with psychopaths — psychopaths cannot tolerate frustration. They have to work it off through other people and stand back and smile. That’s how they get rid of frustration. They can’t handle it but they also have a tremendous ego. It’s the ego because psychopaths run on pure ego. That’s why politicians when their past is dug up and thrown at them during their campaigns, no matter what they’ve done or what skeletons come out of the closet, it doesn’t phase them. You or I would blush and run off in shame, but because they are pure ego they easily — it just flows off of them like water off a ducks back. If you don’t play along with their ego and bolster them up, that will deflate them; or if you simply ignore them. They cannot stand being ignored and anyone who challenges their power of course will make them go berserk. There are different ways to get to the psychopath but non-compliance is the best way.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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