What is the challenge that is coming in the future that Bill Gates knows of?

In another blog, we have seen that at the Institute Centre of Technology in Delhi, Bill Gates praised none other than India’s “digital public infrastructure”— that of combining biometric digital ID (known as “Aadhaar”), bank accounts and payments—as “foundational” for keeping tabs on farmers, monitoring people’s health records and helping with “climate problems”.

Something which should make us grow double suspicious and raise the brain radar higher is the statement in bold in this partial speech of his:

“And so, that basic structure – that structures identity and bank accounts and payments – is just foundational and as part of this visit I’m now seeing how that foundation is being built out; built out in agriculture, with profiles of farmers, so to understand what they need and give them advice; built out health records so that we can help people not only with infectious diseases but the challenge that’s coming in the future with the growth of the non-communicable diseases being a huge thing, and that digital public infrastructure will help us with these climate problems.”

By non-communicable diseases (NCDs) it is meant heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease. Aren’t these rising after the rollout of the deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccines?

What is this challenge that Gates knows of? How will this benefit them from the digital public infrastructure?

Can the readers come up with some answers?

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