We’re living in fascism which is the combination of government and big business working hand in hand & the people are at the bottom of the heap

“Back in the ’70’s it came out on the BBC that brig tractor trailers had gone into small towns in some U.S. states and released millions and millions of these specially bred mosquitoes during the night and the people woke up to find the outside of their homes were covered in these mosquitoes. Now they’re bred actually in Belleville, Canada. It was set-up as a laboratory during World War II to alter and create these excessively big mosquitoes that would carry what they called “loading doses” of bacterium or viruses. That’s why they were so big. To get an infection by the mosquito, it depends on the amount of viruses or bacterium that’s injected into you in one particular go. They’ve been bred here and then they’re put down to the U.S. especially Plum Island, one of the big testing bases that works in conjunction with the Canadian ones and they release them. Now I don’t know what they were carrying but I’m sure the government has all the data on the physical effects it would have on people down through the years, because all data now as you go into doctor’s offices is fed into central computers ultimately. That’s been admitted in Canada.

A few years ago there was a big scandal because they set up a supercomputer in Ottawa that had all the data on every single Canadian citizen. Every part of your life was in there. Banking, everything, health and you name it, and the hullabaloo was about giving one person the power, that kind of power over everyone and so they had a debate in parliament about it and to satisfy the public they said ‘okay. We’ll stop it. It should not be in all one computer. We’ll make two computers instead,’ and that’s how they solved their problem because you see they have no respect for us whatsoever. No respect whatsoever.

We have no rights in reality. You find that out when you try to exercise your rights as they did out in British Columbia a few years ago when they were signing one of these big, big international deals and all the big boys, all the presidents and dictators were lined up wearing new leather jackets and having their photo opportunities taken and they kept all the protestors back a long ways off and then the police sergeant told his men to start using this particular spray on them. The one that burns your eyes, your lungs and all that and they had – sprays the size of fire extinguishers and they just sprayed this mist over all these people that were just standing yelling and that was the only way you can demonstrate your democratic rights is to voice your concern about something. So their answer was to get dosed with this stuff that burns your eyes, nose and lungs. That’s what democracy is all about you see.

We’re living in fascism, fascism plain and simple, and look into the definition of fascism. It’s the combination of government and big business working hand in hand. It all works together, business and government. The people are at the bottom of the heap. That’s where the people are.
That’s what the symbol on the dollar bill represents. The wasteland happens to be the general population. That pyramid is built on a wasteland and everything at the bottom that’s the heap. That’s the commoners and all the real establishments and institutions go upwards floor-by-floor on that particular pyramid. That’s what it means. That’s what it stands for.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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