We will eventually be mandated to be chipped because we will not be given any options (1)

“Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. I’m just mentioning the fact that we’ve been under a system for an awful long time. A system that always hired very intelligent people, good advisers who specialized in understanding the minds of the populous. They ran the show. They ran it on behalf of those who owned the countries. Countries were owned, you understand, by royal families. They owned them and they often gave them away as dowries in marriage, with the people in it too, and during World War II Crown corporations were formed in all the British Commonwealth countries. Crown corporations is something that even the CBC Canada, the Canadian National Television that’s also a government owned project couldn’t get an answer to, because it’s some kind of private investments involved in it but they’re not allowed to tell you or find out who actually owns them but they’re called Crown corporations. These Crown corporations deal with big things like energy, et cetera and technology. In the U.S., the CIA put out big, big companies – real companies, because technology was supposed to win the Cold War, so rather than let independent businesses grow up and takeover, it’s much better if you set out the business and you own it from scratch, plus you get all the financing from the taxpayer to build it. Pretend that it’s private and you lead the industry. You decide what the public will or will not be given in technology and so most of the big corporations that you know of, the big brand names, are actually run and owned by this high elite group, including your secret services that supposedly work for you but they don’t work for you. We know that, it’s a joke. We know that isn’t true.

Here’s the push that’s going on right now and we’re all living through this massive push towards RFID, Radio Frequency Identification. We’re all eventually going to be chipped but it’s a step-by-step program. It’s like getting animals and you train them step-by-step not to be scared of walking into this little entrance way and then once they’re inside this little labyrinth you train them to go down the labyrinth; and it takes time to get them used to it step-by-step. You don’t want to spook them too much. There’s been many programs even on television that I saw (before I stopped watching it all together) concerning this RFID and shows were put out there like Wendy Mesley show on Canadian television where she interviewed some of the heads of the corporations – the CEOs of these corporations in the 1990’s that were making these ID cards with the active chips in them that we’re all now seeing on the pretence of 9/11. It happened much later, but in the ’90’s they knew it was coming and when she asked one of the heads of this why they’d accept it, the public would accept this sort of ID-ing, the man said quite matter-of-factly, because they’ll be given no option, and that’s what it is you see.

This is a mandate, a must be. Here’s a little article from it’s called AIM Global. It’s a big corporation that deals with RFID and they’ll be heavily backed I’m sure and even their logo, if you look at their logo it’s got three pyramids really. It’s three pyramids, the Orion’s belt stuff again, and in the middle is an obelisk, that’s the eye for the AIM and you have the sun above it but it’s really a disguised Saturn, because it’s got the loop there, the scythe loop which is Kronos, Saturn, the order of misrule, and they love these little logos. They’re all over the place. This is from November 13th, 2007, and it was sent to me by Mark Baard of parallelnormal.com and it says here:

‘The Leading International Industrial association unveils Outreach Initiative to Educate About Consumer Benefits of RFID Technologies Applications.’

Listen to the terminology they use here. This is an in-house type thing, the terminology they use to make us all chomp away at the cud and not look up from the grass and think everything is just wonderful.

‘WARRENDALE, Pa. – November 13, 2007 – Recognizing the need in the marketplace to dramatically increase positive public perception…’

So there you are. Everything is done by the way you perceive things and they want to perceive things in a certain way – the way that they’re going to sell it to you. That’s what they want and they distort perceptions.

_ increase positive public perception of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies, AIM Global, the worldwide industry association and advocate…’

So they’re an advocate. This is their business that they want to make mandatory, right?

… for supporting innovation and growth in automatic identification and mobility technologies, today announced it has launched an aggressive and proactive…’

Proactive, it’s all the in word today.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


[many years later, we got this:

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