We watch the same system going on but our perceptions have been distorted by indoctrinations

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix, and an hour ago I just finished doing two hours filling in for John Stadtmiller. We did lots of cutting through the matrix and we had some good callers asking about different subjects that have to do with this reality of ours that we swallow so readily because there’s all the experts, you know the big experts, those with the white coats and who use scientific terminology to bamboozle us, tell us that all mammals, all mammals including humans look towards their parents to inform them or warm them of what is dangerous to them. If your parents don’t know then you’ll never figure it out or very, very seldom do you do. You always know there’s something wrong when you run up against the brick walls that happen to be invisible most of the time, but when you run up against them you find out really all these institutions that are there that you think are there to help you or to guide you or whatever, they’re not what you thought they were at all. They’re completely different. They have different functions.

This is the 12th of November 2007. For newcomers, look into my site cuttingthroughthematrix.com for lots of free downloadable stuff on the histories of this system. It’s good to see now there’s videos coming out using a lot of my stuff even from 10 years ago on ancient histories and incorporating them, including the meanings that are put out there of the various words. That means it’s getting out there, even though they don’t mention where they got the info. Look into alanwattsentientsentinel.eu for downloadable transcripts in the languages of Europe and Scandinavia. I still call them two different places even though they are united now in the European Union.

The people really didn’t have any say in the matter; but we never really did, did we? Even when they drew borders in previous times and said you lot now are called this and you lot are called that. That was done by kings and queens and sometimes they gave your lot away in a dowry, so your whole country was given away with you on it because you were just a commoner. Commoners breed commonly. They don’t pick for specific purposes their mate. They run on hormones and that’s quite natural, but the big boys you see they run on a different system and their system is to do with genealogies. Genealogies, everything starts with gene, Genesis and so on, Gene of Isis. Everything runs on genealogies and good breeding is what they used to call it in the old British system and you were told to ‘mind your place’ if you were a villain. A villain actually meant you were simply a commoner and at that time, not so long ago, actually in the 1700’s, there was no laws in place in European countries to stop the poor old commoners being killed by noblemen who had a bad hair day and just lost it and killed you in a field or wherever you happened to be working. There were no laws whatsoever to bring that person to trial because you were a non-entity. You were just a thing, an object that was bought and sold with the land.

Here we are, watching the same system going on but our perceptions have been distorted by indoctrinations — indoctrinations that your parents had before you and the grandparents too. The grandparents were a bit more savvy on things. They knew the changes in their day. They didn’t have all the heavy inoculations that we got to dumb us all down. They didn’t have the intense indoctrinations in school either. I’ll be back with more of this after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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